
Monday, August 19, 2013

Baker's Dozen Blitz

Still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that it's time to get things rolling for this year's Baker's Dozen Agent Auction!

For the uninitiated, here is last year's DESCRIPTION AND SCHEDULE of the contest.

This year's Baker's Dozen dates are as follow:

October 29 and 31 -- Adult fiction (all genres except erotica and erotic romance)

November 5 and 7 -- Young Adult and Middle Grade fiction (all genres)


(Please note: Some of you have asked me about the inclusion of NA.  I will not know this until after I have my final list of participating agents.  NA will be included only if at least 3 of the participating agents represent this genre.  If it is included, NA will be grouped with the adult category.)

Very soon, I'll be contacting agents and getting everything set up behind the scenes.  In order to help spread the hoopla this year, I'm asking for your help.  Except, we're going to turn it into a little bit of a contest--because that's more fun.

I give you--The 2013 BAKER'S DOZEN BLITZ!

  • The goal:  Spread the word about this year's contest, both for those who might wish to enter and for those who would like to participate by critiquing or simply watching the fun.
  • The means:  Share THIS LINK in one (or all) of 3 places:  1. Your BLOG or WEB SITE; 2. TWITTER; 3. FACEBOOK, following the instructions below.  Once you've shared, you will be eligible to win one of 4 LOGLINE CRITIQUES from participating MSFV Success Story Authors.

To participate on your BLOG OR WEBSITE, post the above link, plus your own blurb/thoughts/personal experience relating to the Baker's Dozen.  Then, COME HERE under THIS COMMENT BOX and post the link to your blog post.  TWO logline critique winners will be chosen from this list.

To participate on FACEBOOK, post the above link on your timeline.  Then, LEAVE A COMMENT ON MY FACEBOOK POST in order to be eligible to win one of 4 LOGLINE CRITIQUES from participating MSFV Success Story Authors.

To participate on TWITTER, make sure you're following me (@authoressanon).  Then, TWEET the above link to your followers, using the hashtag #BakersDozen2013 in order to be eligible to win one of 4 LOGLINE CRITIQUES from participating MSFV Success Story Authors.  IMPORTANT:  Don't forget to use the hashtag!  It's the only way I will see your tweet in order to include it in the random drawing.

IN ADDITION, I will choose ONE winner from among all 3 venues to receive a $25 B&N gift card.

Yes, you may participate in all 3 places if you'd like.  This will give you 4 chances to win a critique (2 winners will be chosen from the comment box here) and 3 chances to win the $25 B&N gift card.  

The Blitz will run ALL WEEK LONG.  I will count all entries up to 11:59 pm on Friday, and will announce the winners next Monday.  

IMPORTANT:  Remember to share THIS LINK, and not simply the link to MSFV (which would probably overwhelm anyone who's never been here before).

On your mark, get set, go!  (And please post your questions below.)


  1. This is great! Thanks for the giveaway, Authoress! Looking forward to the future agent details. :)

  2. Can't believe it's time for this awesome contest again! I've talked about it on my website and would love to win one of those logline critiques:

  3. I can use all the help with my logline I can get - and I'm happy to share query resources with other aspiring authors!
    I posted a link to this awesome contest on my blog here:

  4. erg. Blogger ate my first comment.

    Woo! I facebooked and tweeted! (twice, because I forgot the hashtag the first time)

  5. People who aren't already facebook friends with you cannot comment on your page.

  6. Anon, it shouldn't be a problem because I posted it as a public post, right?

    If it's a problem, I'm happy to friend anyone who requests. :)

  7. Just posted the link on my blog. Very excited I have a completed manuscript to enter this year :)


  8. Pimped the contest at The Nook:

  9. Been looking forward to this all year! :)

    Posted an announcement on my blog:

  10. OK, posted an announcement on my blog. Looking forward to this. Thanks!

  11. I posted about this on my blog here:

  12. I'm so excited!
    And I'm incapable of concealing it.
    Loss of control is imminent and I believe I enjoy it.

  13. Just read about the Baker's Dozen Agent Auction tonight and had to share on my blog at I'm looking forward to finding out what it's all about.

  14. Posted an announcement on my blog:

  15. Now that I have my website moved to its new host and properly transferred and *not* presenting a horrifying 404 screen of death (well, my perception, anyway), I was able to share!

  16. Posted on my blog:

  17. Posted on my site:

    Really looking forward to this.

  18. Wow this is exciting!

    I don't have a personal blog but I have a decently-trafficked deviantART page. I'm active in the literature community there. The site is all messed up right now so I had to post a poll and not a journal, but I shared the link!

    I understand if it doesn't count as an entry. Hopefully some people will be interested in entering though.

    Question: Is there a word-count limit for manuscripts?

    Thank you!

  19. Authoress,
    The Baker's Dozen info is now up on a group blog: We'll be facebooking and tweeting--a bit of cross promotion--and I'll follow the rules to let you know about progress there.

    Thanks again for all the opportunities!

  20. I can't wait for the contest this year. Thanks for all the handwork! I posted on my site:

  21. Posted on my blog:

    Thanks for the kick in the rear! It's just what I needed.

  22. So, is the Baker's dozen hand picked (you select the best entries) or just a lottery?
    Thank you for your answer.
    This is important:)

  23. Jodi Meadows and I choose the 60 strongest entries from the slush pile. No lottery with this one. :)
