
Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday Fricassee

So, let's talk about THINGS!

1.  I apologize for posting the SA guidelines late.  Labor Day threw me off a bit.

2.  Just making sure that you all realize that this month's SA is for ADULT ONLY.  I know it doesn't happen often, but there you have it.

3.  So far, we've got 11 agents on our Baker's Dozen line-up.  Final number--and names!-- will come later.

4. Thanks again to all of you who helped spread the word for the BD Agent's Auction during our BLITZ.  Keep talking it up!  Each year, I'm surprised by how many people (particularly on Twitter) start saying, "Oh my gosh, what are you all talking about??" And by then, they've missed the opportunity to submit.

5.  The CP dating entries have been taken down (for security purposes).  Please be sure to LET ME KNOW if you make a perfect match via MSFV!  I'm always delighted to hear about things working out like that.

6.  The wait time for my Authoress Edits queue is down to 2 1/2 months (from 3 or more).  If you're considering hiring me and would like to secure your place in line, here's the info you need.

7.  I'm wondering just how many new readers have joined our ranks in recent months!  If you'd like to say HI, today's your day!  Pop into the comment box and introduce yourself.  (Or, for that matter, say hi anyway--even if you're a REAL OLDTIMER.)

8.  Have a magnificent weekend!


  1. Hi!

    I've been reading your blog for a few months now. Authoress=Awesomeness
    Thanks for everything you do :)

  2. Hi! I love Fridays here - never know what I'm gonna find, but it's always good.

    I'm an old-timer(ish). November 2011.

  3. Hi, I'm new. Just found your blog the other day via Twitter. Looking forward to trying the Secret Agent contest.

  4. I'm a newbie and love all the info you provide!


  5. I'm relatively new, started reading a few months ago. Thanks for all the advice and opportunities! :)

  6. Long time reader, and still lovin it! I'm pretty excited for the Baker's Dozen this year. I can't wait to hear which agents have signed on!

  7. I've been reading your blog for about a year. I just made a CP connection that I think will work out, so thanks. Excited for BD, I tried last year but my entry didn't get in. I have a new mss to try this year.

  8. Hi! I've been reading for a month or two. I'm very excited about my potential new CPs.

  9. Just want to say thank you for the Crit Partner dating service. I have received INVALUABLE smart feedback from several people because of this service. Exactly what I've been needing to take my ms to the next level. Can't thank you enough!

  10. Authoress, you are most appreciated. Whenever I fall into the pit of unpublished despair your blogs always offer me a ladder of hope. I've been lurking about for the past few years and hope this is the year I'm accepted into the Baker's Dozen (fingers crossed). Thank you for the information, the opportunities, and the laughs!

  11. I have a CP dating service success story! I didn't have an entry up in the last one (I think it was last Jan or Feb?), but I contacted someone based on their entry and it's been a perfect match! I was writing a timey-wimey YA, she's a rocket scientist... and the rest is history :) We just met each other in person for the first time at Dragon Con and are going strong.

    And it's too soon to say definitively, but I had an entry in *this* round and have some seriously strong candidates for more CPs. We're still in the "exchange of chapters" stage, but your blog seriously attracts the best writers/CPs! I've put feelers out via other "services" but have had the best luck on your blog, hands down. I think partly b/c your readership is comprised of very serious, professional writers. Thank you for doing them!

  12. I guess I'm an old-timer now--I started reading in summer 2011, and now it's been almost two years since a lurking agent (now my agent) requested my query from your SA contest. Here's to many more success stories! Thanks for everything you do, Authoress. :)

  13. Gutted! I thought I'd found someone who accept pnr for the ya market. Is there anyone out there who will still consider it??? Anyone?

  14. I'm newish, a late spring/early summer initiate. I've learned so much in a short time! This is a wonderful gathering spot for writers who are serious about the craft.

  15. Hi all,

    I'm a long-time lurker whose ready to step forward. I'll be submitting for this week's SA and I'm truly excited.

  16. Hi!

    I've been reading for about a year now. Just never really commented.

    Love this blog <3

  17. Anonymous, PNR isn't really my thing, but I'm a pretty good story analyst. If that would help you, drop me a line.


  18. HI!

    Total newcomer, and I'm glad I'm here. I'm also a bit overwhelmed. My head is swimming with contestsm secret agents, excellent snark, and critiques.

    Love it :)
