
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Baker's Dozen Adult Submissions TODAY

The submission window is 9 to 5 EDT.  If you run into any technical difficulties, please leave your question HERE!

If today's submission window doesn't fit your schedule, you can submit on Thursday instead.

IMPORTANT: If your formatting looks wonky or a part of your text appears to be missing after you've already paid, DO NOT RE-ENTER THE CONTEST.  You will be charged a second time, and I am not offering refunds (simply because it's an administrative nightmare).  Simply SEND ME AN EMAIL with your ENTRY/POST NUMBER in the subject line, and include your full/corrected submission in the body of the email, IN PLAIN TEXT.

Again -- DO NOT TRY TO RE-ENTER THE SAME MATERIAL! I don't want you to double pay.

Good luck, everyone!


  1. Worked like a charm. $10? What a bargain! The generosity of Miss Snark and this community? Priceless.

  2. Question:

    I tried to submit, got to the payment area, and the post looked different than it did on the input page and said I was only submitting 58 words.

    I went back to correct whatever might have been wrong and now can't submit again... what did I do wrong??

  3. I paid via the submission email I received and hope all works out...

  4. I had the same problem as Elspeth. It is only showing my logline, rather than my logline and first 250 words.

  5. WHEW! Glad I'm not the only one! 6am - it's hard to be technical!

  6. Worked with ease (well, except the usual paypal needs fifteen different things to confirm you really are a person).

    Thanks again, and I hope you use some of those entry fees for some chocolate while you're reading submissions!

  7. The "disappearing text" issue has to do with invisible junk that Word adds to documents. This is why using plain text is best (something I would not know if it weren't for the fabulous Michael).

    If anyone's entry is missing anything, I will email you. If you're already worried that something is missing, please do the following:

    Send me an email with your POST NUMBER in the subject line (it should be included in your confirmation email). In the body of the email, IN PLAIN TEXT, please put your entry. Please include the logline, too; it will help me to verify that I am putting the right entry with the right logline!

    Don't worry! I'll make sure each entry is readable before it makes its way to the slush table. :)

  8. Hi there,

    The official rules say we can send multiple submissions, but when I tried to do so the system told me I was rejected, and could only submit one.

    If we are indeed allowed multiple submissions, can someone please tell the web site? :-)

    Thank you!

  9. Chris -- Yes, I just realized I had the contest set to 1-per-person entries. I will change that now -- give me a few minutes, then try again. :)

  10. I was able to enter both my entries - thank you!

    Only downside was I *was* required to create a PayPal account - neither time was I given the option to simply pay by card, which was slightly unfortunate as I recently closed a PayPal account due to fraudulent activity. :-/ But thanks for the chance to enter!

  11. Paypal does make it hard sometimes, but you really CAN do it without creating an account. I'm sorry you had trouble with that. :( Paypal is super convenient, but there are a few things about it that really annoy me!!

  12. fictionwriter@gmail.comOctober 29, 2013 at 10:50 AM

    can't find the submission spot. please advise where to submit.

  13. hi, and first of all, THANKS! i entered and was accepted - #48 - but when i submitted the text there was no place for the logline...and so my entry has no logline. how did i goof up?

    btw, here's the one i would use:

    Linsu isn’t as dumb as Superman™, but sometimes she wonders. The powers she has been given have nothing to do with real power and it bugs her that she can’t fix the world.

    illybay aka bill billet

  14. illybay -- You were supposed to put it in the text box with the rest of the submission. :)

    Send me an email with your ENTRY/POST number in it, and the logline in the body of the email. I will make sure it gets added to your entry.

  15. Not to worry, Authoress! Not sure why it happened as cookies seem irrelevant (I've been given the option not to use PayPal on that screen for eBay purchases, etc.) but I don't mind, in this instance :D Thanks!

  16. Arrrrgh....I had to type my entry using my iPhone (because I'm at work) and my fat fingers let a typo slip by...a "that" should be a "than" in one sentence. Can I get it corrected?

  17. Question: Can I enter the same manuscript as Adult and again for YA? My book could go either way ... sorry if this is in the rules and I overlooked.

  18. All sorts of problem with my submissions. First in the preview page, the 250 words of my manuscript were missing. I emailed you about it, and then I received an automatic email saying that the entry was rejected because there were no username, title and genre (all fields that I filled up properly).

    As I emailed you again about that, somehow my email was taken as another submission (

    I hope this can be resolved.

  19. I got three messages. 1. Paypal said something went wrong. 2. A congrats, your entry was accepted, post #70, then two minutes later, 3. Disqualified for not having some parts filled in (which I had filled in). I'm confused.

  20. Anon -- Typos don't matter right now. I will give the 60 winning entries a chance to fix typos prior to the auction.

    David -- I doubt it can "go either way". If your protagonist is age 14-18, it's YA. If your protag is over 18, it's adult. You're welcome to submit it, but be warned that Jodi and I automatically say "no" to any YA or MG entry that is, in fact, not a YA or MG entry.

    JanetLee -- I see your entry #70 in the database, so you're in. Not sure about the Paypal part -- I will look into it.

  21. JanetLee -- It says "processing" on my end, which means the payment was begun but not completed. Go to your confirmation email and use the link to return to Paypal. If the payment doesn't go through, the Bot will not include your entry.

  22. Taramoc -- That email address is for submissions only; it goes directly to the Bot. That is why it was attempting to process your email as an entry. ALL email inquires much go to facelesswords(at)

    If you fear that some of your text is missing, send me an email with your post number in the subject line and your excerpt in PLAIN TEXT in the body of the email.

  23. Everything has been resolved. Thanks Authoress for the prompt reply.

  24. Thanks for your response - you have a few things going on today! I'm already in the adult category so I'll ponder entering YA next week. I know books are supposed to fit a tidy category as YA or Adult, but what about a novel like "The Lovely Bones" which had a teenager as the central character and was wildly popular with an adult audience? My protagonist is 16 but dealing with adult circumstances (serious health issues, suicide, addiction). There's no graphic language so it may work for YA. Hmn.

  25. Authoress, I didn't submit today, and I won't be submitting to Baker's Dozen at all this time; the edits won't be done to my satisfaction for at least another few months.

    But on behalf of all of us, thank you. Technical difficulties or no, this is an amazing thing you're doing, and we all-- entering and not-- appreciate it.

  26. I'm afraid I'm confused. Is the $10 is for anyone trying to enter the contest, whether the bot randomly selects their entry or not? Or does the bot simply stop accepting entries after the maximum number has been received?

  27. Alaina - thank you so much!

    Katrina -- the Bot is not "randomly selecting" entries. Each entry will be read by Jodi and me; we are hand-selecting the winners.


  29. LOL Jimplicit!! (Please don't do that! :D)

  30. Authoress -- Ah, got it! Sorry, I was getting this confused with the format of previous contests.

    I'm not normally an idiot... only when I'm sleep-deprived. ^_^

    Thanks for all you're doing!

  31. Authoress-- thank you for doing this!
    I'm entering my first 250 words right now and it is all left aligned (I can't get it to indent my paragraphs). Should I just submit as is?
    Thanks again!

  32. Katie -- I prefer them left-aligned on the blog.

  33. Thanks for reading.
