
Monday, October 14, 2013

Secret Agent(s) Unveiled: Louise Fury and Emily Keyes

Surprise!  Many thanks to our first Secret Agent DUO, Louise Fury of the Bent Agency, and Emily Keyes of the L. Perkins Agency!  Louise and Emily decided to team up for this month's contest prior to Louise's move from L. Perkins to her new home at Bent.  Consequently, we've got the collaborative efforts from agents at two separate agencies.  The critiques were done as a team--but the winners will be chosen separately.  (Which means, yes, there will be MORE WINNERS.)

Stay tuned!


  1. That would explain the "we" comments. I had wondered if Gollum was judging this month's SA contest.

    On a less snarky note, I had the pleasure of attending a conference Louise Fury was at, and I found her completely enchanting.

  2. Aww! Now i'm even more bummed i didn't make the lottery. Sadface. But i'm excited to see who the winners are!!!

  3. WOW! What a great opportunity! So pleased with the critique from both readers and the secret agents...they helped! Thanks all around! Good luck to everyone!

  4. Awesome!! Now I'm even more excited! I love these agents! Lucky winners. :)

  5. Very cool. A duo of judges and I'm sure some soon-to-be-excited winners :-)

  6. I, too, was wondering about the use of the royal 'we' in the comments. (for those not of British/Australian descent who don't get that remark - it refers to the British monarchy's use of the word 'we' as a singular). I was relieved to see it was actually two agents judging and not Queen Elizabeth (LOL).

    What a fantastic opportunity for the authors to have TWO agents commenting on their work.

  7. I also wondered about the we! Like Lanette, I've seen Louise Fury speak at a conference and she's wonderful. Congrats to the winnners!
