
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

First Line Grabber: Rules of Engagement

Okay, we're ready to roll with our 30 entries!  Please note:  This is NOT a "normal critique".  Here are the guidelines:

  • Each comment must begin with YES or NO, followed by a brief explanation of WHY you were either hooked (YES) or not hooked (NO).
  • YES or NO comments without an explanation behind them WILL BE DISCOUNTED.
  • Only ONE comment per reader per entry! Multiple comments by the same person on the same entry will be ignored.
  • NO ANONYMOUS COMMENTS! Please use your regular screen name or Blogger account (if you have one).
  • Unlike other critique rounds and contests, ENTRANTS MAY NOT COMMENT.

Critiquing will close at midnight this Saturday (any comments that trickle in after then will not be counted toward the totals).  The 15 entries with the most YES critiques will move on to Round Two, which will go live on Monday the 14th.

May the fun begin!


  1. First Line Grabber is really tough. don't know about anyone else, but I tend to give a book at least the first paragraph and sometimes the first page before I make a decision.

  2. Ooh, I just love these critiquing opportunities. It's a great way to help others. Especially with a WIP.

    Is there any chance of another lottery? I didn't get in this time. :'(

    Good luck all!

  3. Tedd, you're right -- it IS tough!

    White, there will other opportunities, I promise!

  4. Good to know. Here, have a donation. We love what you do.

  5. Oh, my goodness -- thank you! <3

  6. Crude, one sentence it truly hard.

  7. I give props to everyone who sent in their work. This is a really hard challenge and I'm impressed by everyone, even the ones I said no too.

  8. I give props to everyone who sent in their work. This is a really hard challenge and I'm impressed by everyone, even the ones I said no too.

  9. What a great contest. Every first line is a writing lesson! Thanks to everyone who shared their lines, and to all the folks who shared why the openings did or didn't work for them.
