
Thursday, July 10, 2014

MSFV Success Story Authors at EMLA

I absolutely love this picture.  I love staring at it.  And I'm thankful that Peter Salomon had the presence of thought to gather these folks for the photo op.

The scoop:  Erin Murphy Literary Agency holds an annual retreat in Vermont for its clients.  While attending this year's retreat, Peter realized that TEN PERCENT of EMLA's clients are part of the MSFV Success Story family.  As in--each of the authors in the above picture attributes a portion of his or her success to this blog.

More specifically, Ammi-Joan Paquette and Tricia Lawrence are both long-term supporters of this blog, and have been involved in many events over the years, including the popular Baker's Dozen Agent Auction each December.  In addition, Joan has been a hard-core lurker here, and has signed more clients from MSFV than any other agent.  Let's just say that, if she paid me back in a year's supply of chocolate for each MSFV client she's nabbed, I'd have chocolate for quite some time!

Pictured above, from left to right:

Peter Salomon, Tara Dairman, agent Joan Paquette, J. Anderson Coats, Joshua McCune, Ann Bedichek Braden, agent Tricia Lawrence.

It is a blessing and a privilege to have played a small role in each of these author's journeys.  Look how beautiful they are!  This photograph is, for me, like a virtual group hug.

I'm proud of you guys, and I'm happy for you.  Thank you for allowing my words and my life to brush against yours.  And thank you, Joan and Trish, for trusting me enough to offer your continued support and involvement.



  1. Very cool! I liked this post--and that is a great photo!

  2. What a lucky, awesome group. Ms. Paquette reqested chapters from me twice (once off this blog and once from another contest). While she never made an offer, she took the time to make very helpful and supportive comments. Wishing all of the above tons of success.

  3. A lucky group indeed. And how cool that this post helped me discover that yet another blogosphere pal - Josh (aka, Bane of Anubis) - has landed an agent. Congrats, Josh, and the same goes for all the rest (including you, Authoress)!

  4. This made me smile. Congrats to everybody!
