
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Blog Critique Tour!

Here it is, folks!  Your opportunity to critique 10 excerpts on the authors' own blogs, while also being entered to win a 15-page critique from Authoress Edits.  It's win-win!

While leaving your feedback for these brave writers, please observe the following:

1.  Use a screen name OTHER THAN "Anonymous".  I can't enter you into a drawing that way.  Any entry signed "Anonymous" will not be included in the drawing.

2.  Please be kind as well as honest in your critique.  A little tact goes a long way!

3.  Shout this out in your social media hang-outs!  Let's support these authors and their blogs.  (Also?  If this is successful, we'll do it again.  You might be the next author-with-a-blog hoping for traffic and critique!)

Each thoughtful critique that you leave equals one entry in the drawing, for a total of 10 possible entries.  Please note:  Leaving 1 sentence doesn't count.  So if you go through the entries and leave, "I love this!" on each one, I won't include those in the drawing.

And now, without further ado, here are our 10 authors and the links to their blog posts.  At the bottom of each post, you will find a link back to this page; that way, you can easily navigate to the next author's blog.

Have fun, everyone!


 1.  KATHLEEN S. ALLEN (YA Dark Contemporary)

 2.  GEORGE KULZ (MG Mystery)

 3.  LAURA DIAMOND (YA Contemporary)

 4.  MICHELLE MASON (YA Contemporary)

 5.  JUSTIN HERD (Urban Fantasy)


 7.  KATE LARKINDALE (YA Contemporary)

 8.  AUBREY CANN (YA Historical Fantasy)

 9.  ADRIENNE PROCTOR (Historical Fantasy)

10.  ELIZABETH JANETTE (Romantic Suspense)


  1. Such fun reads! For some reason, I couldn't post on Justin Herd's blog site????

    Here's my crit for his first page: I love this setting! Very dark and gritty. I'd like to see more of Raine's internal thoughts--especially playing off the dark scenery. I'm wondering what he thinks of the man with the crumpled paper--the messenger, if you will. Does he think the guy is weak for being just the messenger when Raine will be doing the dirty work? Does he admire the guy for getting involved in the dark side of life? Does he hate taking orders from a messenger? Does he feel trapped by his work? Etc...

  2. Hey Laura! Not sure why it did that. I went into my comment settings and opened up Anonymous comments (which shouldn't have affected you, but it's enabled now, just in case). But, regardless, thank you for the critique!

  3. I really enjoyed reading these 10 beginnings - and now, of course, I have 10 more stories that I'm eager to read. Will I ever reach the end of my reading wish list? Nope. Probably not. Oh, well - there are worse vices than being a bibliophile. ;-)

  4. I enjoyed reading these loglines and opening scenes. I'm sorry I couldn't comment on all of them. I was called out of town unexpectedly. Hopefully next time I'll be able to comment on all entries.

    Thanks for hosting this event.

    Have a GREAT night!

  5. Thank you again for this opportunity, Authoress! I received some very helpful critiques that will enable me to polish my first page to just the right shine before querying. It was a great experience!
