
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Name That Genre! #10

GENRE: Secret

I bounced down the stairs to my thirteenth birthday dinner with optimisim radiating from the depths of my soul. Or at least what I thought was my soul. It was going to be a good year, I was certain of it. This was the year I would be a brace-face no more, and I was sure it would be the year my unruly hair would decide to cooperate. (I was praying the flat-iron I requested for my birthday would be sitting on the dining room table.)

"Happy Birthday!" Mom said.

"Thanks," I smiled.

Lingering at the dining room table, I studied my presents, looking for a long rectangular box that would be sure to hold my greatest desire. Winter crashed into the chair on the other side of the table rolling her eyes at me. I looked my younger sister over and decided I would be nice to her tonight.


  1. MG Contemporary
    I can tell because no magic or paranormal activity. Feels like this is going to be a great coming-of-age tale.

  2. Contemporary--
    Setting gives us a nice visual of a modern time/place. Especially liked the line "...I would be a brace-face no more..." :)

  3. Contemporary.

    Seems like real-world social conflict rather than anything adventurey or magic-y, so I'm going with contemp!

  4. Contemporary MG (although 13 is a bit old for MG)

    Be careful about the amount of telling you are doing. You can show us that she has non-flat hair just by her desperation for a flat-iron. She doesn't need to tell us about her hair as well. Also, it doesn't make sense for her to think of this as her thirteenth birthday dinner. She knows how old she is. She would just think "birthday dinner". Finally, the smile needs to come before or after the speech. You can't smile and speak at the same time.

    Good luck!

  5. Contemporary. I agree 13 year old feels a bit old for MG. Depending where this goes, it could be more of a clean-teen YA.

  6. Contemporary or fantasy

    While the set up is contemporary, it could easily turn to fantasy with it being her 13th birthday.

  7. Contemporary

    seems like a normal everyday scene

  8. Contemporary.

    Hope she gets a flatiron somehow. ;)

  9. Contemporary.
    The abrupt use of the name Winter jarred me. You might have "My younger sister" crash, then have the main character address her by name and explain she's being nice to her tonight.

  10. I'm voting contemporary because setting seems modern day.

  11. Contemporary for sure! I write it and I know the voice.

  12. Not sure - could be a MG romance, coming of age novel, or it could morph into something else depending on what is in that box and how it is used.

  13. Contemporary.

    Except for the doubt about her soul, it's all realistic.

  14. Contemporary

    Everything about this says coming of age story - the flat iron desire, the thirteenth birthday party.

    I love that the MC's sister is named Winter, but I didn't realize that at first. I would like to know the MC's name, but that's just a personal preference.

  15. Guessing contemporary as well, since it seems like a normal dinner scene and a normal, relatable 13-yo girl looking forward to growing up a bit. Some parts are making me wonder if I'm right, though. Like why would her mom not tell her Happy Birthday or dole out the presents until dinner? And I'll admit, when I read the phrase "Winter crashed into the chair," I immediately thought Winter was a white cat. The main character also mentions not being sure if she has a soul, which could lend itself to other genres. I would need to read more to really have a feel for what's going on here.

  16. Contemporary

    Not sure why her sister is crashing into a chair like that, at first I thought the window blew open, then I thought it was a cat. In any case, feels coming of age.

  17. Contemporary

    Normal everyday setting.

    It is the line "at least what I thought was my soul" that keeps me going back to something paranormal happening...maybe Urban Fantasy though. I think she will discover that she is "something else" though.

  19. Urban fantasy?

    Everything screamed contemporary except for the soul line. I just couldn't move past it.

  20. Contemporary. Family situation, no magic, swords, or dragons.


    "Or at least what I thought was my soul" made me think maybe fantasy, but then nothing was made of it. If this is contemporary, I'd kill this line (or explain it). If it's fantasy, definitely give us another hint as to its meaning.

  22. Can't Tell

    Seems like a coming of age story from the mc's hopes for the year. Don't want to say Contemporary, because flat iron sounds historic compared to straightening iron, but braces are fairly recent, and Winter sounds either very modern or quite old. I found it hard to see where the story was going because I wasn't sure where and when it starts.

  23. Contemporary-coming of age.

    Brace face, flat-iron the simple idea of celebrating a birthday in the dining room with family all read contemporary. Turning 13 and all her expectations says coming of age.

  24. contemporary

    all the normal stuff

    (you might consider using her mom's happy b-day comment to get her name in there)

  25. Contemporary

    Birthday, presents, family.

  26. I don't know.

    There's nothing here for me to guess where it's going. I suppose I could say Contemporary, but I guess I want it to be contemporary ________.


    I don't get any hints about mystery or fantasy or any other genre. Maybe the relationship between the sisters will be the main part of the plot.

  28. Contemporary and a good beginning. Good luck, Sarah.

  29. Contemporary

    A girl with typical school girl concerns. I didn't see anything that signaled a speculative element.

  30. Hi all! This was my entry. While this is still a WIP, most of you were correct. I am writing a contemporary middle grade novel.

    I wanted to say thank you to all who participated and who took the time to read my entry.

    I did read and guess on all of the other entries as well, except I was one of the Anonymous commenters. This was my first contest to participate in, so I wanted to fly a little under the radar and just watch and learn. I tried to keep my comments short and neutral as well, mostly because I feel I'm still in the learning stages of writing.
    Moving forward, I will be glad to give feedback on the ten winning entries and leave my name if anyone has any questions. Thanks for your support and understanding! I can't wait to see who won! Best of luck to all!
