
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Baker's Dozen Success Author: Danielle Jensen

Meet DANIELLE JENSEN, this week's Success Showcase Author!

I didn’t grow up imagining a future as a writer. Although I have always been an avid reader, after graduation, I decided to go to business school. I spent the next six years working in finance, but it was also during this time that a co-worker suggested writing a novel. After all, how hard could it be?

Really hard. But I persevered.

A couple years later, I was sending out my first query letters and discovering that while writing a book was challenging, getting it read was even tougher. At that point, I knew I wanted to be a writer, but it was also clear that writing wasn’t going to pay my bills, so I registered to go back to university to get an English degree.

For almost three years, I juggled going to university full-time, waitressing at night, and writing during my free time. I entered the 2012 Baker’s Dozen Contest and was won by my now-agent, Tamar Rydzinski (who I absolutely adore, btw). In 2013, she sold my YA fantasy trilogy to Strange Chemistry/Angry Robot, and my debut novel, STOLEN SONGBIRD, released on April 1 of 2014. The sequel, HIDDEN HUNTRESS, is set to release in the spring of 2015.


Read Danielle's MSFV Success Story HERE.

Read Danielle's blog HERE.

Follow Danielle on Twitter.


  1. Way to go Danielle! You are certainly a success story and I'm so glad you persevered with Stolen Songbird. I love your book and you are one of my top favorite authors! (Stolen Songbird is my #1 of the year) ;)

  2. This kind of success story just makes me feel so optimistic!!
