
Monday, November 24, 2014

Baker's Dozen: Posts Live This Friday!

I'm always vaguely surprised when we actually arrive.  At any rate, here we are!  Our 60 winning excerpts will post THIS FRIDAY MORNING.  (As in, my morning.  It may not be your morning.)

This is what happens next:

  • You all start critiquing!  Feedback can begin immediately. The only thing I ask is that all critiquing stop during the actual auction on Tuesday, December 2.
  • Our guest editors and authors will start critiquing.  Each entry is guaranteed 1 critique from an editor and 1 critique from a published author.
  • The agents will be reading!  I post the entries 4 days before the auction to give the agents plenty of time to choose their favorites.  There's no time for reading once the fierce bidding wars begin!
Note:  If you are one of the 60 entrants, I request that you critique a minimum of 5 other entries.

Another note:  If you are an email subscriber, please remember that YOU HAVE TO COME TO THE BLOG TO PARTICIPATE IN THE AUCTION.  Please don't email me on auction day and ask me why you can't see the rest of the entries.  THEY ARE ALL ON THE BLOG.  Your email will only contain up to a certain number of posts.  CLICK, folks!  There's plenty of room for you around the fire (and coffee and tea, too!).

New this year:  We will be live tweeting the bidding (as best we can!).  3 volunteers and I are each taking 15 entries to keep an eye on.  We'll tweet as fast as we can to #BakersDozen2014.  So THAT WILL BE THE HASHTAG TO FOLLOW!

If you're watching the auction, TWEET AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN.  I've felt like, in past years, the actual auction was pretty isolated from the crowds.  On my end, things absolutely explode.  (Specifically, my inbox.)  It's exciting!  But no one else sees it happening.  So my desire this year is to capture that adrenaline rush and spread it over the internet.

I've also asked the agents to tweet as they bid, but I can't promise you that they will.  Because THINGS GET PRETTY INTENSE.  I'm hoping they'll at least crow publicly once they've won something!  

Here's another tip:  If you have favorite entries, subscribe to their posts.  Then you will receive agent bids in your inbox!  You'll be able to keep up with your favorites firsthand (and also tweet about them!).

Remember the hashtag:


Okay, folks!  That about covers it.  My compatriots and I will celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday, and then we'll all gather in the lounge on Friday morning for the start of the BIGGEST Baker's Dozen ever!


  1. Good day. Quick question. In the auction, what are agents actually bidding with? Cash, pretzels, lattes?

  2. Pages. I'll post all that info tomorrow. :)
