
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The 2014 Baker's Dozen Agent Auction: What To Expect

  • The entries will post on Friday morning, early Eastern time.  As soon as they're live, you may begin leaving critique.  (I will post critique guidelines, too.)
  • Our participating agents are free to begin reading the entries on Friday, and continue over the weekend.  It's the reason I post them early--it gives the agents a chance to find their favorites and know ahead of time exactly which entries they want to bid on.
  • Critiques from our participating editors and authors may occur at any time, so keep your eye out.  The adult entries will be critiqued by editor Katie Cord and author Karen Duvall; the YA and MG entries will be critiqued by editor Hali Baumstein and author Victoria Schwab.
  • Bidding will open on Tuesday, December 2 at 11:00 am EST, sharp!  At this time, agents will bid on the entries they want to see.  Opening bids must be a minimum of 5 pages (that is, a request to see the first 5 pages).  Each entry will go to the highest bidder, with a full request being the obvious highest bid.  (No critiquing will occur on this day.)
  • Not every entry will receive bids.  This doesn't mean the un-bid-upon entries stink.  It just means that none of our participating agents were captivated.  Keep. Querying.
  • Bidding will officially close on Tuesday, December 2 at 11:00 pm, to complete a 12-hour bidding window.  Most of the action, however, will be at the front end.
  • After the auction closes, I will hook the winners up with the agents who have *won* them.  And if history repeats itself (as I fully expect it will), several success story will officially be in the making. 
  • The exclusive for winning agents is 1 week.  After this time, I will send out subsequent requests from agents who didn't win but who still want to see works on which they placed bids.  DO NOT QUERY THE AGENTS WHO BID ON YOUR ENTRY UNTIL YOU HEAR FROM ME.  I will have special submission instructions.
I think that covers it!  If you have any questions not pertaining to the critiquing guidelines (which, as I said, I will post on Friday), please post them below.  And remember to SPREAD THE WORD via our #BakersDozen2014 hashtag!  The auction is exhilarating to watch, even if you're not one of the 60 participants.

Also?  The Tweet Divas (Julie Butcher, Sarah Ahiers, K.T. Crowley, and yours truly) will be LIVE TWEETING the bids at #BakersDozen2014.  So grab your leftover slice of pumpkin pie on Friday morning and curl up with Twitter to watch the fun!


  1. I am warning my husband now: I will be a useless Internet zombie between Friday and Tuesday. Useless.

  2. It's 11 a.m. EST and I'm here to watch (8 a.m. PST), but I don't know where to start watching from. Do they bid in order? How does it work? I've never watched from the beginning before.

  3. Karen -- Watch #BakersDozen2014 on Twitter!
