
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Final Submission Day!

This is it!  The second round of submissions for YA/MG will be open 9-5 EST today.  The last hoorah!

Check HERE for important submission info.

Good luck, everyone!


  1. Authoress,

    My PayPal receipt says I paid: "Wee Ditty." Just making sure this is correct. (No, I'm not nervous at all)!

  2. LOL That's me! My anonymous Paypal account. :)

  3. Oops! Not so anonymous now. Please don't hold that against me, lol.

  4. Sue -- Try opening it in a different browser.

  5. Help! Submitted my entry but struggling with PenPAl.

  6. If Paypal flakes out on you, just keep trying. The Bot will hold your entry place until submissions close; you will not lose your spot in the meantime.

  7. Hi Authoress-

    I'm worried and paranoid and annoyed with myself…

    I made my submission this morning at the exact time everything opened up and I got my confirmation immediately… And then I realized I'd put YA instead of MG and tried to go back and correct it. Which is obviously a big no-no, and I've since been informed I was rejected. Have I ruined my submission chances?

    I feel like I did something similar last year and got the digital boot as a result. By the time I found out, it was too late to change anything.

    Thanks for your time - hoping for good news!

    Garrett Vander Leun
    Entry #15

  8. Garrett -- you only got a rejection because the bot cannot accept email responses--only entries. Send me an email to my facelesswords account with your entry number and CHANGE YA TO MG in the SUBJECT LINE. Then I will be able to change it once your entry comes through.

  9. I am so disappointed! I had jut gotten up my nerve to submit, and read that submissions were open from 9 to 5. I work full time, and can only submit after work. Sadness!

    Oh, well. I guess I will just send out a few queries by more conventional means. Good luck to everyone who did manage to enter.

  10. Hi Authoress,

    I entered on Tuesday and all went well until I hit 'enter' on my keyboard after pasting in my 1st 250. But when I hit enter, it submitted for me before I had a chance to look through everything. I know I didn't add MG and don't know if I missed anything else.

  11. Shari --

    Send me an email with ROUND 1 and your entry number in the subject line, and your corrections in the body.

  12. Entry number?!
    I submitted Tuesday and my Paypal went through, but I don't recall having an entry number :0

  13. Bonni, check your spam box for your confirmation email from the bot. It contains your entry number.

  14. I received a Wee Ditty confirmation email with a transaction ID (long number) but I don't see any other number that would be an entry number.

  15. Hey! Hope it's going swimmingly. If you haven't already gotten around to reading YA entry #67, I was wondering if I could send corrections--I submitted the wrong version of the first 250. If I can't, no problem! Just thought there's be no harm in asking. (I did read the old posts, btw and if I missed something related to this feel free to just ignore this comment! Thanks!)
