
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Public Brainstorm #3

TITLE: Splintered
GENRE: Urban fantasy

Splintered is a novel about two sisters, both born in the afterlife, "Elysium." The novel is set in Elysium and Earth. Their father is the immortal Consul charged with keeping the balance between the Core Realms of Elysium and the mortal realm of Earth where it should be. Their mother is Fae and during a massive Horde demon attack on Elysium, she disappears with one sister, Alyssa, taking her to Earth for safety. She's forced to leave her there to hide her identity as the Consuls daughter and so she grows up on Earth, coming into contact with the Conclave, an organization of Auric (magic) users on Earth bent on controlling all magic for themselves. Shes trained by them until she realizes their true purpose. She's pursued and sought after by the Council, and Conclave.

My problem: I can't really figure out why she's so important. Does she hold the key to breaking the status quo? What about her abilities makes her a target?


  1. Maybe it's not just "her" abilities. Perhaps it's the combo of sisters. Or even the combo of sisters and mother. The power of the Wiccan 3?

  2. As the consul's daughter, only she knows the secrets that keep Elysium safe from the Conclave. If they can get to her, they can capture and rule this life AND the afterlife.

  3. As the consul's daughter, only she knows the secrets that keep Elysium safe from the Conclave. If they can get to her, they can capture and rule this life AND the afterlife.

  4. This is SO not up my alley,but let me give it a shot:
    My first thought was that Alyssa is like an immigrant - she has one foot in both worlds. She (presumably) has training in something special about the Elysium powers; then she learns a new set of powers on Earth. Wouldn't this upset the balance her father is charged with keeping? Also, the combination could mean she has the ability to destroy (or change in some fundamental way) both worlds. Think nuclear fusion.
    As I look at Kristin's comments above, I see she has already mentioned something quite similar.

  5. I really like the fusion ideas. My only thought was that maybe the sister who left her was the heir to the power, but that she was killed and now the power must come to the younger daughter. Fusion is better!

  6. Thanks all! I really like the fusion idea/Wiccan 3, maybe the mom has nefarious plans against Elysium and needs daughters to achieve plans...

    Maybe something about the mix of Alyssa's powers and lack of formal training plus twisted training makes her more vulnerable to being controlled, or turned...

    Not planning on killing a sister, but might think about it.

    Thanks all! Not quite there yet figuring it out but great ideas.

  7. This is kind of touched on in people's comments above, but the thing that popped into my head is that, if Alyssa was born in Elysium, then perhaps she has the ability to cross at will into that world. If the Conclave is trying to gain an entry into Elysium in order to gain knowledge of the magic there, she could be the literal key that would grant them access.

  8. Maybe she's leverage. The Consul loves her because she's his daughter. He's been torn up inside for years wanting her back.

    1. Accidentally hit publish.

      He'll do whatever he can to get her back. The magic-users want to use her against him.

    2. Accidentally hit publish.

      He'll do whatever he can to get her back. The magic-users want to use her against him.
