
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Name That Genre #11

GENRE: Secret

Some Timekeepers saw the Schedules as a rigid set of rules never to be broken, but I always figured a little bit of creative interpretation never hurt anyone.

The dust was thick in the air and heavy on my tongue as I inhaled. With every breath, history took root in my lungs. A flowery perfume tried to hide the musty scent, but the smell of years long gone still lived on in the antique store.

“Change of plans,” I said as my assignment partner rounded the corner of the aisle. He jumped out of the way to avoid sending a teetering pile of old magazines crashing to the floor.

“Mik, you always do this.” Trent closed his eyes and sighed. “What was wrong with the original plan?”

“Too simple for a guy like that.” My gaze drifted over towards our target. “We’ll need something a little more drastic to get through his thick skull.”


  1. Fantasy

    I like this - sounds like the Timekeepers are sort of angels sent to help or influence people. I would keep reading.

  2. I Can't Tell

    Capitalized 'Timekeepers'/etc and mixing of typical/atypical names like Mik & Trent could make it Dystopian, Fantasy, Steampunk/etc and there weren't any other specific markers to narrow it down.

  3. My guess would be Fantasy because of "Timekeepers." I would need more information to specify further; maybe dystopian or urban fantasy? I love the second paragraph, by the way -- really nicely written.

  4. Fantasy. With the word 'Timekeepers' I couldn't imagine it being anything else. Then, in the last sentence, he mentions using something to get through his thick skull. I'm thinking this is some kind of creature - not human.

  5. Fantasy.

    "Timekeepers", "Schedules".

  6. Replies
    1. based on these "rules" and "timekeepers." society has a strictness, technology has a steampunk ring

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Sci Fi
    Timekeepers and Schedules sounds to me like world building for a sci fi adventure.

  9. Sci Fi
    Timekeepers and Schedules sounds to me like world building for a sci fi adventure.

  10. Sci-Fi.

    I think. This is based on the Timekeepers and Schedules and the assignment partner.


    It's because the timekeepers have been a recurrent theme in SF, not in Fantasy.

  12. Sci Fi - the Timekeepers, Schedule, and "assignment partner".
    the 2nd paragraph seemed a little out of keeping with the flow of the rest of these first words - can't tell if it's backstory or reflection but not as active as the rest of the opening - perhaps reconsider its placement?

  13. I can't tell. I like it, it's pulling me in, but so far with the Timekeeper and Schedule and the contemporary setting, it is leaning towards sci-fi, but could still veer into fantasy.

  14. I can't tell. I like it, it's pulling me in, but so far with the Timekeeper and Schedule and the contemporary setting, it is leaning towards sci-fi, but could still veer into fantasy.

  15. Fantasy

    Timekeepers, assignment partner. I would guess contemporary or urban fantasy because it takes place in an antique store. Seems to involve time travel and a mysterious group that's somehow involved in "making right what once went wrong."

  16. Fantasy

    Time travel perhaps. It has a steampunky feel to it.

  17. Steampunk?

    It's a bit of a stretch from 'timekeeper' to steampunk, but there's not much else to go on but magazines.

  18. Sci Fi, Dystopian, or Urban Fantasy.
    This excerpt sounds like role-playing, maybe. It's tactile. The terminology sounds like
    they're part of an oppressed society.

  19. Fantasy
    Due to the Timekeepers and Schedules.

  20. Sci-Fi

    Timekeepers and a rigid schedule suggests time travelling, steampunk, or some other type of sci-fi trope.

  21. Fantasy

    due to the time-keepers, schedule, "flowery" language in the second paragraph, and the possibly non-human creature with the thick skull.

    My second thought was sci-fi, because all of the above could also point to sci-fi, except the poetic description of the dust/weight of history which definitely feels more fantasy.

  22. Steaming.

    The timekeepers

  23. Fantasy.

    Because of "Timekeepers" and "Schedules."

  24. Dystopian. Seems futuristic and like they are on some kind of patrol.

  25. Timekeepers. Schedules, but also the use of the word magazines and history. An antique store setting. Sounds like a time-traveling Fantasy to me.

  26. Fantasy/time travel. Timekeepers.

  27. Fantasy.

    Because of Timekeepers, schedules, rules, and set in an antique shop.

  28. Fantasy because a world is being created with timekeepers and schedules

  29. Most of you were right!
    It's Science-Fiction, though some fantasy elements come into play later in the novel!
