
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Name That Genre #15


Grace Rogers stubbed her cigarette in the sink, and ran water over the crushed Newport before grinding the butt in the garbage disposal. She shined a Maglite into the disposal to make sure the damn thing was gone, then lit a fresh Newport and retreated to her computer. Obsessive—sure. Compulsive—you bet.

A few mouse clicks later, and Grace was studying website source codes for the eateries near her office. Three Rivers Deli was the closest—but their corned beef was lousy, and the company used excellent encryption on their host server. Gyro Circus seemed an easy target; however, few people from her office ate there. The plan required a large audience.

Grace took a long drag of the Newport, and scanned the coding for the Daniel Island Café. “Gotcha,” she said. “You guys should put as much time into your firewalls as you do your crepe-of-the-day.”


  1. Thriller.

    And websites do not have "source codes." First, "source code" is a collective noun that is not pluralized. Second, something is source code only if it is compiled into machine language, and website Javascript is not compiled. Third, one does not scan "coding" but "code." Fourth, I doubt a competent hacker would start by clicking the mouse a bunch of times when a single keystroke will give them visibility to what the site is pushing their way....

    1. Thanks for the technical suggestions. I already captured them in the rewrite. Most appreciated.

  2. Thriller?

    I am curious about what Grace plans to do when she hacks the restaurants. Is she a competing restauranteur? What could you do to their code that would be worth doing? I would read on to find out. (although I am a bit OCD about what I put in my garbage disposal, so that part may creep me out more than what Grace plans to do to the Three Rivers Deli.).

  3. Mystery

    Somehow the cigarettes/Maglite make me think this

  4. thriller
    Altho it involves computing, it's not a techno-thrill b/c the target is her 'office.' If Grace is seriously twisted, could be psych-thriller.

  5. Crime fiction
    I'm not sure if this will be a thriller or a mystery, but the computer hacking, the need for her co-workers to witness something all make it sound like Grace is up to no good.

  6. Cyber-Thriller (is that a genre?)

    I'm guessing Grace is stealing herself food via hacking, and that her computer skills will somehow come into use/put her in jeopardy.


    This sounds like Techno-thriller, but maybe not because that does not sound like a serious hack. She is planning a prank on her office staff members. She is not trying to hack a restaurant, but she is trying to do some kind of experiment. And the cigarette thing is just a way to explain she has an obsessive-compulsive disorder. She wants good food and a large crowd of people she knows. Tough one!
    In a mystery, we start with the crime. In a thriller, there is no crime to start with. Here it seems like she is not going to commit a crime, but a prank. Maybe psycho-thriller because she is not right in the head.

  8. Crime thriller.
    A thief using modern day hacking techniques. Looks interesting!

  9. Replies
    1. the MC is engaged in hacking, which is a crime.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Thriller

    Grace is clearly planning to do something nefarious.

  12. Mystery/thriller. Once I read website source codes and 'encryption', I figured it was a mystery/crime novel.

  13. Thriller. Exciting things are already happening. Grace is planning a prank on her office buddies via a local eatery. It is unclear whether this prank will be humorous or criminal.

  14. Thriller. Exciting things are already happening. Grace is planning a prank on her office buddies via a local eatery. It is unclear whether this prank will be humorous or criminal.

  15. Mystery - while it seems like Grace is planning a robbery or a hacking, she could easily be investigating something.

  16. Mystery.

    The Newport put the setting in the 1960s for me until she went to her computer. I'm guessing she's about to do something to her office for unknown reasons.

  17. Cyberpunk Whodunit?

    I don't know, but you have a hacker, and you have a great opportunity to insert some recipes and it's like Jessica Fletcher with tattoos and creme brûlée. I could dig that book.

  18. Thriller

    Either crime thriller or cyber thriller (if such a thing exists) because of the hacking.

  19. Thriller
    Feels like Grace's crank is going to have her stumble across more than she bargained for.

  20. Psychological Thriller
    She's a jittery sort who holds a grudge. Beware.

  21. Woman's fiction.

    I think her ex owns the cafe and she is getting back at him.

  22. Not sure. Maybe Thriller. Maybe Mystery. Maybe Woman's Fiction. But clearly, Grace is up to some mischief. I'm hooked.

  23. She's an OCD chain-smoking computer hacker so I'd say Thriller.

    1. Love the succinct summary. You are correct!!

  24. Women's Fiction. Working nine to five, hacking a revenge plot.

  25. Psychological Thriller.

    MC has OCD and is planning something, possibly criminal, and for some strange, psychological reason wants her co-workers to watch. So, who's hiding under the bed?

  26. Thriller

    Grace is up to no good, it's going to get scary
