
Friday, December 18, 2015

Friday Fricassee -- My Gifts

Christmas is a season of giving.  I have so many "gifts" in my life as a writer, and I'd like to acknowledge you here.

In no particular order:

  • Julie Butcher, for your wit, cheerleading, and sharp eye.  You deserve the best, Julie!
  • Adam Heine, for your worldbuilding superpowers and your amazing sense of humor.
  • Peter Salomon, for giving so much to this blog, and for being such a faithful crit partner.
  • Alison Weiss, for your unflagging support and always-there-ness.
  • Jodi Meadows, without whom I wouldn't be anywhere near where I am today.
  • Josh Getzler, who stuck with me for 5 years.  So thankful for you!
  • Danielle Burby, for your undying enthusiasm and incredible eye. And love of Jane Austen.
  • Beth Revis, for never failing to speak encouragement at precisely the right moment.
  • Christine Nguyen, for your unconditional love and bubbliness.  And forever faith in me.
  • Michael Wulf, for putting so much time into our fearless bot. I couldn't do this without you!
  • Leah Petersen, for not being afraid to say hard things. And for always supporting me.
  • Holly Bodger, for being so faithful with logline critiques, and for always making me laugh.
  • Joan Paquette, for picking so many gems from our offerings, and for being so supportive.
  • Rena Rossner, for being an incredible "agent sister", reader, and source of encouragement.
  • Gabrielle Harbowy, for believing in me.
  • All my Success Story Authors, for being an army of good will (for real).
  • All my regular commenters and tweeters -- I so appreciate your involvement and support.
  • ALL my blog readers, for, well, reading.
  • All my clients, for entrusting your work to me.  I count it a privilege.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and I'll see you week after next!


  1. Happy Holidays, and thanks for everything you've done for us!

  2. Thank you, Authoress, for providing resources, experience, opportunities, encouragement, community and friendship!
