
Monday, December 28, 2015

Announcement: A Fond Farewell (of sorts) to Josh

Some of you have been with me all along, and some of you are newer to the blog and less familiar with my writing journey.  For the sake of history:  on December 17, 2010, I signed with Josh Getzler, who was then with the Russell Volkening Agency.

If you've never read the 3-part story of how we came to be, GRAB A CUPPA AND READ IT NOW.
(I really love this guy.)

For 5 years, Josh and I have stuck it out.  Through the disappointments and near-misses and long, bleak stretches, he never threw me out the back door.  And I didn't throw him out, either.  (Well, I tried to, once.  But he loved me through that episode, too.)

I'm thrilled (beyond measure) to announce that I am now represented by Danielle Burby of Hannigan Salky Getzler.  (Which is, of course, the same agency.  So I'm not really leaving.)  The simple reason?  My current project (as you probably know) is YA fantasy, which Josh does not represent.  Danielle, on the other hand, loves fantasy, and has been indispensable during the last two rounds of revisions on this manuscript.

Thankfully, Josh will still be on board in an advisory capacity.  He has an amazing editorial eye, and I can honestly say that my completed works would not be what they are if it weren't for his input.  (Here is a great blog post about his editing style.  If he's on your to-be-queried list, take a moment to read this!)

As for Danielle?  I loved her almost from the moment I met her.  She came on board as Josh's assistant in early 2013, and started to build her own client list faster than you can say "Danielle Burby is a Superhero".  When I was in NYC this July, I spoke with Josh about the possibility of shifting to Danielle once my current novel was ready for submission, and he agreed that it was a good idea.  Last week, we made it official.

I'm so happy to be moving forward with Danielle (who, when she sent me the agency agreement, closed the email with, "I'm excited to hit the ground running together in 2016!". I mean, how could I NOT be thrilled?).  I know you all understand how amazing it feels when someone shares the vision and passion of your work.  Danielle was enthusiastic about this project when I was still drafting it, and her level of investment and optimism continues to be unflagging.

And, seriously?  How could you not love this face?

So here's to a new year and new beginnings.  Big hugs and thanks to those of you who have been cheering me on FOR PRETTY MUCH FOREVER.  I'm not sure I can ever adequately express my thanks for your faithful support over the years.  Mine was never meant to be the fast-and-flashy success story, yes?  And I'm so very grateful that so many of you have stuck with me through this (very long) journey.  More times than I can count, YOU WERE THE REASON I didn't quit.  (How could I quit when I'd spent so much time telling YOU not to quit?)

Josh:  Thanks for 5 years of not giving up.  You will always be my Agentman.

Danielle:  Thanks for believing in me enough to take me on.  And now I'll need to come up with a nickname for you, too. :)

Everyone:  HAPPY NEW YEAR!


  1. How wonderful. Happy New Year to you too, Authoress.

  2. Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! It's gonna be awesome

  3. Congrats and good luck! The journey continues!!

  4. Congratulations! May 2016 bring many more good things your way.

  5. Congratulations! May the two of you make great memories and reach successful goals in 2016!

  6. That is fabulous news to begin your new year, Authoress. Wishing you and Danielle a wonderful and productive relationship.
    You know we've stuck with you because you have stuck with us, a throng of writers you don't even know, without fail, every week, with words of encouragement and wisdom. Thank you! :) ... Sheryl from Brisbane, Australia.

  7. Congrats! You've got a great team with you - and I hope 2016 is your big year!!! Sending hugs and best wishes :)

  8. Here's to your success! Happy New Year!

  9. Totally awesome. I have been with my agent for over five years and we've no intention of splitting ways. She is a friend first and an agent second.

    Congrats on you new journey.

  10. Congratulations! Best wishes for the new project & the new year. And as far as "parting ways with an agent" stories go, this one is pretty nice. :)

  11. Congratulations! It's an exciting start of the year for you and your project.

  12. Congrats!!! Best wishes in the New Year.

  13. I hope this is the year for you! I have a partial out with Josh & Danielle since last October, and I would love to work with this agency. Good luck!

  14. Congratulations! I wondered if you were still with Josh after you spoke about him in past tense in your last post. I'm glad to hear that you've switched agents for the best of all possible reasons, and that Josh is still on your team, so to speak.

  15. Congrats! Danielle has always seemed like a sweetheart. Best of luck to you--hoping to hear a book announcement this year! (NB: The Swanky Seventeens are an awesome debut group. Or so I hear. ;))
