
Thursday, August 4, 2016

ON THE BLOCK 2016 -- The Lineup!

Submissions for this year's ON THE BLOCK auction are on September 8 -- a little over a month away!

I know you've been waiting for the line-up.  Here it is!


Danielle Burby (Hannigan Salky Getzler)
Hannah Fergesen (KT Literary)
Moe Ferrara (Bookends Literary)
Josh Getzler (Hannigan Salky Getzler)
Susan Hawk (Bent)
Pam Howell (D4E0)
Tricia Lawrence (Erin Murphy)
Ammi-Joan Paquette (Erin Murphy)
Nicole Payne (Golden Wheat)
Rena Rossner (Deborah Harris)
Tamar Rydzinski (Laura Dail)
Lauren Spieller (Triada US)
Brent Taylor (Triada US)
Caryn Wiseman (Andrea Brown)


Like last year, there will be some lurking editors, who may or may not show their faces.

How does this work?

Simple!  The editors will be reading through the entries along with the agents.  If anything sparks their interest, they will leave a critique.  There will be no warning!  If your entry receives feedback from one of our Lurking Editors, consider that a "win" all by itself.

Our Lurking Editors:

Alison Weiss (Sky Pony Press)
Peter Senftleben (Kensington Books)
Lydia Sharp (Entangled)


Surprise!  This is the New Thing I've been hinting at.  I've invited a slew of published authors to join the ranks of those who lurk about the auction.  Their role?  Same as the lurking editors--they'll be poking around the entries and leaving feedback.

BIG DIFFERENCE, THOUGH:  Each entrant is guaranteed a critique from at least one of our affable authors.

Our affable authors:

Nancy Bilyeau
Erin Bow
Dorothy Dreyer
Sara J. Henry
Alice Loweecey
Joshua McCune
Jodi Meadows
Leah Petersen
Peter Salomon
PJ Schneider
Amanda Sun


Submission will be via our online form.  The link, and specific submission instructions, will post on the blog one week prior to the submission day.

For a summary of everything you need to know about the contest, PLEASE READ THIS ON THE BLOCK PRIMER.

Post your questions below.


  1. I'm really torn about entering. With all due respect, there will only be one person judging the entries, the gatekeeper, so to speak. And that'd be the Authoress. I'm afraid you'd tend to gravitate toward the works in your favorite genres (YA, Sci-fiction, Fantasy, Speculative Fiction) which means the rest of the works would face a disadvantage.

    1. I can see why you would have that perception, Cyra, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. I choose the winning entries based on how strong the writing is, and that's the bottom line. Why would I chose a mediocre SF or fantasy when an incredibly well written adult thriller or historical entry were staring me in the face? I would totally lose credibility with the participating agents, who are trusting that I'll do my best to offer them the 20 strongest entries across all genres.
