
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Name That Genre #29


Nora’s heart lifted at the sight of the Abbey Church of Fontevraud. The thick arches and black, scaly roof squatted like a mushroom on the bright lawn of the medieval abbey. Its plain, whitewashed beauty reached into her imagination and turned up the corners of her mouth. Five years ago on this day, her mother had visited this church — back when her mother still lived and breathed and kissed Nora’s forehead before leaving the house. Even if the church wasn’t already beautiful, Nora would have loved it just for that reason.

She closed her eyes against the afternoon sun. Releasing the clip that held her thick hair eased some of her tension, and she sighed as the tangled waves fell to her shoulders. The migraine had started when her class arrived in the Loire Valley and had intensified over the days leading to Fontevraud, or maybe the pressure finally got to her.


  1. Not sure- Women's fiction or fantasy depending on what happens when she goes in the church and if her migraines are related.

  2. Women's Fiction because she visiting a place her dead mother visited.

  3. Women's fiction.

    She's dwelling on her mother's death.

  4. I Can't Tell. I'd guess Women's Fiction, but the church and the migraine seem like they could point to Fantasy or Paranormal.

  5. Paranormal Thriller

    A foreign city, migraine headaches, having this connection to a church, a dead mom.

  6. women's fiction
    church, an earth-setting

  7. Romance
    It feels like a romance, especially with the romanticized description of her hair.

  8. I thought historical and romance at first because of the setting and voice, but the word migraine indicates a more modern tale. Clip could be historical, and perhaps a more descriptive word regarding the type of clip would firmly set the story in its intended period.

  9. I think woman's lit but could go the romance route. She's talking about her mom in a lot of detail which makes me think the plot centers around her loss quite a bit.

  10. I can't tell.
    Maybe women's fiction? Based on the detail of her dead mom, but could be romance too.

  11. I don't know

    With that kind of church, could go fantasy. It could also be contemporary...or we could lean toward fantasy...I'm not sure

  12. NOT SURE

    Something contemporary ("clip" and "migrain" and "class"), but I could believe COZY MYSTERY or CHICK-LIT or ROMANCE...

  13. At first I thought historical fiction, but the mention of a "class" and her taking her hair down made me think more contemporary. Maybe women's fiction? Or romance? I can't really tell from just this.

  14. Romance.
    The romantic setting of Loire valley, the white church, and the MC's hair description

  15. I can't tell, other than it seems like a relatively modern setting.

  16. Late on this, but I'm the author and it's Contemporary Fantasy, so the world is pretty much just like our own. No magic in the first couple paragraphs. It also includes a heavy does of romance - hence the hair (I guess - who knew hair = romance?) Thanks for commenting!
