
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Name That Genre #28

TITLE: secret
GENRE: YA secret

I hear my name, Maya, softly spoken.

"Beck?" I can't see him. I can't see the portals lining the chamber's perimeter. I can't see a hint of the hatchway or the slightest fizzle of electricity. I hold my hands in front of my face. Nothing. It's coffin dark.

We ping our names like radar against the black. It's a relief to find him, an amazing, unexpected comfort. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling my back to his chest. "Until we know what's going on," he breathes into my ear, "don't move."

A girl yells, "My cell doesn't work!" Others say, "Mine doesn't either." A guy bumps against my shoulder. "Evvie?" he asks.

"I'm Maya," I say. Beck's arms tighten around me.

Clicking noises pierce the dark. We freeze, whispering, "What should we do?" The clicking continues, the sound of it wheeling over us like gulls over water.


  1. Science Fiction? The talk of portals and chambers says SF to me.

  2. I'd say science fiction, but it could also be dystopian.

  3. SciFi? Fantasy? It has a futuristic feel. And, I'm hooked.

  4. Fantasy. Words like portal, coffin, and darness.

  5. Science Fiction.
    The setting description of portals, chambers, and hatchway. And word choices like radar. The clicking noises suggest something alien may have been let loose.

  6. Fantasy.

    Because I sense a monster, but not a vampire.

  7. Science Fiction. Portals, chambers, ping, radar all say sci-fi to me. I'm guessing there will be romance as well.

  8. Sci Fi

    The clicks and radar, pinging, portals, chambers. The words seem to say futuristic.

  9. Sci fi

    The overall feel screams sci fi to me, as well as words like portals, radar and the like.

  10. Science Fiction. Not on earth. Some dystopian planet.

  11. Sci Fi
    There's mention of hatchways, electricity and possible aliens.

  12. Sci Fi
    There's mention of hatchways, electricity and possible aliens.

  13. Science fiction. The portals, chamber, cells. If they ping their names back and forth, how come Beck didn't know it was Maya in Evvie's body/consciousness?

  14. Contemporary Sci-Fi?

    You have contemporary elements but the clicking could be anything...but it makes me think of an episode of STTNG...

  15. NOT SURE

    At first I thought FANTASY, due to the mention of portals, but then there was 'electricity' and cell phones... SF? HORROR?

  16. Sci Fi

    Portals, hatchway, electricity

  17. Contemporary because of the mention of cell phones.

  18. Thank you, everyone, for the guesses and comments! This submission is from my YA Sci-Fi titled PALE GREEN LIGHT
