
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Name That Genre #8

TITLE: Secret
GENRE: Adult Secret

Ailis slipped out from the glow of the street lamp into the shadows of the porch, shivering. The oversized coat of her older brother’s should have kept her warm. Perhaps, however, the trembling had more to do with the mission she was on rather than the night air. Though February had frosted the ground and left its snowy imprint, what chilled her bones was fear. She buried that anxiety as soon as it leached into her head. “It’d do no good to succumb to worry now, not this far away from home,” she thought. She ducked under the ivy that hung low over the wooden eaves, concealing herself from the road.

A British armored truck sat idle in front of the flats across the drive, its darkness haunted the night; a cold, windowless tank so dully painted that even the streetlamp refused to cast a reflection on it.



    I get the vibe that we're in another place or time. The literary style of prose reminds me of historical. The detail of setting made me think that as well. It could also be a literary horror/thriller. Just not commercial.

  2. Historical - words and phrasing like "succumb to worry", armored trucks, tank

    It could also be mystery or spy on top of that, since the MC is sneaking around in the dark trying not to be seen.

  3. Historical - the voice and setting seem old-fashioned.

  4. Historical thriller

    the tank, she's trying not to be seen. Maybe she's a spy during WWI or WWII.

  5. Historical. Tanks, street lamps.

  6. Historical thriller
    British armored tank, ivy hanging from eaves, oversized coat of brother's (don't know why that detail stands out to me as making this historical!)

  7. Thriller. Maybe a spy thriller, but hard to tell if it's historical because the details are not specific enough. The tank suggests war time and the MC is far from home and seems to be on a mission.

  8. Historical thriller/adventure

    Tanks make sound like it's wartime. I thought WWII, actually. She's worried and trying to be secretive, so this seems like an adult Code Name Verity to me.

  9. I can't tell.

    I wondered if it might be a thriller because of the armored truck and the fact that she's on a mission, but I don't feel very confident about that guess.

  10. Maybe historical. The only clue is the British tank.

  11. Thank you for your guesses! The time is 1920 Ireland, set during the Irish revolution, a historical fantasy (you wouldn't know the fantasy part until the middle of the first page) Thanks for your responses.
