
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Name That Genre #9


Sestra worked the oars through the endless ocean, sinking them into the thick blue and pulling them up translucent in the sun. Every bit of her dripped either from the salty spray or sweat. She’d been rowing for hours now, and the sun reclined at a comfortable high noon position. It had been dark when she left.

Water lapped up between the cracks in her raft. She hadn’t sealed it as well as she’d wanted, but she hadn’t exactly planned this. Or she had, but not quite so soon. Sestra had always known that she’d run away someday. It was just what she did.

She wasn’t sure where she was going. She knew what she was looking for, just not where it was exactly. So she rowed and rowed, like every day, a combination of rowing and floating and rowing again. After the flood, that’s all there was to do.



    This one was hard, but it's a survival story, it seems. No hints of fantasy, or real hints at women's fiction. So I would categorize this more generally.

  2. Adventure.
    The tone of "thick blue and pulling them up translucent in the sun" make this sound like the MC is in for a adventure.

  3. Dystopian. Because of the flood forcing her to row on an ocean.

  4. Dystopian adventure. I love the detail in the first sentence!

  5. Fantasy

    Only because I can't imagine a modern woman paddling a raft anywhere. It seems she's using some type of disaster to disappear from a life she doesn't much like.

  6. I Can't Tell. Alice makes a good point though; the name has a Fantasy ring to it.

  7. Dystopian
    But it was hard to tell until mention of the flood. Then I connected it to "endless sea" which at first came off as a metaphor to me. Once I read about the flood I realized the sea really is endless! :) Without mention of flood, I would have no clue of genre though.

  8. Dystopian. Because of the flood and her name.

  9. I can't tell.

    I'm leaning towards fantasy or science fiction, though. Her name and the mention of a flood make it feel like she's somewhere else.

  10. I can't tell. Kept trying to picture how oars would be mounted on a raft. Somehow, it seemed this detail would help me know the genre.
