
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Name That Genre #10

TITLE: Secret
GENRE: NA Secret

HA! I got away with it. Magnolia flicked her long, dark hair over her shoulder and smiled.
Walking up to the coffee shop, she scanned the patrons sitting at the tables outside. Thomas, the soft-spoken man from her calculus class at Neith Junior College, was supposed to meet her here at three. Instead, a face on the inside of the shop caught her eye. Her smile slipped.

Please, God, NO.

Face partially concealed by the reflection of the storefront glass, a man in his forties watched her. He was slumped against the back of his chair, his arms folded, and his face hard. Wearing a cheap, red Hawaiian shirt, and silver-flecked dark hair combed back under a slick of hair gel, there was no mistaking who it was.

She felt every muscle in her body tense. Vampyr take him. Uncle Jimmy: The Devil's punishment on the living.



    I was thinking horror, b/c a man in his 40s isn't a common love interest for a NA. But then the Hawaiian shirt was so funny/casual that it took fear away. So contemporary?

  2. Urban Fantasy.
    I thought contemporary, but the use of the word and spelling of vampyr made me thing UF.

  3. Horror. Similar to the previous post, I thought contemporary until the last two sentences.

  4. Urban fantasy

    It sounded contemporary until you mentioned vampire.

  5. Thriller. Although I don't get the first line. We have no idea what she got away with.

  6. I Can't Tell. But if I guessed I'd say Paranormal based on the Vampyr reference at the end.

  7. Supernatural? Not really sure, because although there is a Vampyr reference, it could be a joke. Especially since she sees his reflection in the window, and vampires supposedly don't have reflections.

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  10. Urban fantasy

    Only because of the Vampyr reference, otherwise I would have said Contemporary

    Also, as a critique, I don't get your first line. Or the purpose of the whole first paragraph... It doesn't read like a beginning

  11. Urban fantasy, because of the contemporary setting and vampyr reference at the end.

  12. I can't tell. Meeting a soft-spoken man doesn't give enough to indicate romance. The surprise at seeing the older man could mean something from the mc's past, thus contemporary. But the vampyr reference could indicate urban fantasy, or paranormal, or just an expletive for the science fiction world.
