
Thursday, March 29, 2018

10TH BIRTHDAY BLOGPITCH #49: YA Contemporary

TITLE: Seeking Sara Sterling
GENRE: YA Contemporary

THE HORSE WHISPERER meets JUST LISTEN. After getting dumped by her long-time boyfriend, 18-year-old Sara escapes to her uncle's Colorado ranch for the summer. When she connects with an injured horse bound for slaughter, she must learn to stand up for a relationship worth saving.


  1. I like the sounds of this, because it's concise, to the point (something I have trouble doing), but I'm confused as to which relationship is worth saving, the one with her longtime boyfriend or the new one with the injured horse. I think if you make that clear it will read better. Good luck!

  2. Sounds interesting, but there are no stakes here. What will happen to her if she doesn't learn this lesson?

  3. I agree with Susan about which relationship you are referring to. What must she do to save the horse, and how does that play into the romance part...? Good luck!

  4. I like this, but it needs to be clearer what the stakes are. I'm assuming you mean the relationship worth saving is with the horse, and she has to save the horse from slaughter, but that's not clear.

  5. This sounds like something I want to read! Good job. I understood it to mean that it's the relationship with the horse, but if not, yes, make that clearer.

  6. I also assumed the relationship was with the horse (at least, that's the one I'd consider worth saving lol). I like the pitch, but wonder if 18 is a bit old for YA.

  7. I agree that I'm confused about the relationship comment. Does she have a relationship with a horse? That's kinda weird and I don't understand how it connects to being dumped.

    Good luck!

  8. I'am glad to read the whole content of this blog and am very excited,Thank you for sharing good topic.

