
Thursday, May 2, 2019

First 100 #17

TITLE: Hyperbole
GENRE: NA Science Fiction

Without a fresh clue, someone else is going to die.

My fourth cup of coffee is still warm in my mug. I’ve had one for every hour we are into Nox Diem, not that they’re doing me much good. I’m desperate to stay alert. Twenty long hours of suffocating darkness remain this cycle. The work around me has ceased. The other detectives left hours ago, winking out one at a time like extinguished candle flames, trading a frustrating lack of progress for the oblivion of sleep.

My desk is a mess of reports, binders, and photographs, which I comb through. Again.


  1. I think there is a fantastic hook here! I totally get the scifi detective vibe. But I think a few interjections of thought from the character could really make the voice "zing!" "God I love coffee--especially the kind they brew on Zanora..but twenty long hours of suffocating darkness, etc, etc."

  2. There's too much telling here. The only action is the combing through in the very end.


  3. The opening hook is great. But the second paragraph could use some paring, and as Holly said, less telling. The first line about the coffee says enough. I don't think you need the next two sentences which basically say the same thing. Add some IM to replace the telling.

  4. The first line drew me in completely. I didn't find too much telling -- I think the scene needs to be set up so that you can get to the absence of the other detectives. I love the description of them "winking out". This is a story that appeals to me on every level.

  5. My husband left me last year after 25 years of marriage (he turned 50). It has been the most difficult year of my life, but full of lessons about myself and what life and marriage are all about. I am passionate about marriage and i didn't give up on my husband. resides in USA, I entered online in search of advice on how i can amend my marriage while i was at work. I saw so many positive reviews and nice feed back about how a Doctor called has been wonderful with his work. I gave a shot to make contact with him via his Email and he assured me that my marriage will be peaceful and i believed in his words. 16 hours after he finished work, my husband came back home pleading and now, we are living peacefully again. Get in contact with him if you need any help.
