
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Pitch for the Win #20 - Historical

TITLE: The Atonement of Louis Godbout
GENRE: Adult Historical Fiction

Lower Canada, 1838. The revolt against British rule is in tatters. Louis Godbout, a loner caught in a no-man’s land between French and Cree, is banished to the penal colony of Australia for a rebellion he didn’t believe in. In exile he finds comradeship; in humiliation, dignity. Inspired by the dignity and courage of a Huguenot/Londoner convict woman, he wrestles with the meaning of home, identity and belonging. Based on true events.


  1. I'm going to suggest following the structure of, When his happens, Louis Godbout does this, but it will force him to choose between this or that terrible thing. Right now, we don't know what that last choice is. This does a nice job of giving us place and time, but dial it back so we know the story. Wrestling with meanings is too vague, but if you give us a solid, "this or that," we'll be on board.

  2. And I'm going to agree with Victoria, because it needs to be more personal, to make us care about Louis. But even without the new pitch, I'm intrigued!

  3. I'm a Yes, yes, yes on this one. What one person likes, another does not. Went back to re-read. I'm a complete go on this one!

  4. Very helpful, dear commentators. I get it, Victoria - change the vague abstractions into something more concrete and meaningful. Done! And darn it I used 'dignity' twice!

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