
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Submissions Are Now Closed

If you submitted your first page, you should have received a confirmation email stating the post number of your entry. If you haven't received confirmation, I did not receive your entry!

Submissions were way down this time -- good news for our Secret Agent and those of you who submitted, perhaps. Not good news for those of you chomping at the bit for lots of good stuff to read and comment on!

I think I've realized just how many skiffy authors frequent this blog. That, and children's authors. Ah, well. You're all excellent sports. You know that we can all learn a lot from reading agent comments in all genres, not just our own.

So. Entries will be posted tomorrow. I've got some links to other contests I'll be posting later today, thanks to one of our faithful readers.

Now I'm off to finish my coffee.


  1. Skiffy authors? You mean those of us who think space ships and little green men make excellent plot devices? Those of us wallowing, unloved, in the corner?

    *looks at Authoress with Bambi eyes*

    It's so sweet of you to notice...

    :o) We'll be fine. I'm curious to see what we have.

    Plus, you must remember. You strictly ordered us not to go announce your contest absolutely everywhere. Which means I only mentioned it on my blog and a couple of forums, not every single forum I know of. :o)

  2. Now I am dying to know the count!

    Last time it took days and days to go through all of the posts, and it was so varied.

    Do we have to wait until tomorrow for the total posts? Do we, huh? Huh?

    :) Terri

  3. Oh, and I didn't announce the contest to ANYONE this time. Not even my writer's group...I kinda felt bad about that, but I figured you'd have plenty of entries from your blog readers.

    :) Terri

  4. Well, I guess we're still working out the kinks.

    *ignoring just_me's Bambi eyes*

    Our Secret Agent requested a limit (I think Holly's experience may have been a bit frightening), so I wanted to be careful not to push the limits of civility.

    Holy moly, though, you guys really took me seriously when I said "don't tell your friends."

    We've got 25 entries. 'Tis all! Very manageable for me, so I'm not complaining. But definitely a missed opportunity for many who could have benefited from the feedback and the SA crits.

    Now that the contest is closed, I guess you can go tell the masses that they missed it. LOL

  5. I'm thinking it might be easier to limit the number of entries, rather than the time in the future. Like, We will accept the first 50 entries before 9 am 8/27/08.

    That way, you could guarantee the Secret Agent a manageable number of entries, and people could still announce the contest across the internet universe.

    Your regular blog readers would still get a leg up, cuz they'd have the opportunity to prepare for quick submission as soon as the contest opens.

    Just a thought. ;)

  6. That's a good suggestion, H.L.

    The one thing that's made me hesitate to put an actual number limit on subs is that I would have to be watching very closely so that lots of people don't waste their time submitting after the limit's been reached. And sometimes I open submissions and then I'm not back at my desk for a few hours. So I'd have to work out that little detail.


  7. I've always thought a number limit was the best option. You could have an auto response set up, then engage it once the limit is reached so that you don't have to respond to every single post that comes in after subs are closed.

  8. I actually think the numbers would have been much higher if the agent had accepted sci/fi-fantasy, children, or YA submissions...Even with the twenty-four hour window.

    Maybe it was just a question of genre that kept the submissions low, but I agree with H.L. about accepting a certain number.

    The agent could specify what they would be comfortable with and you could accept submissions for a longer time, until that number is met, or time is up, whichever comes first.

    :) Terri

  9. Ah shucks...I forgot yesterday and thought it would be open until Thursday.

  10. You could close submission after 24 hours and if you don't reach the predetermined number, reopen submissions for 12-24 hours.

    That would ensure you got your numbers.

  11. I think Terri's right. The genre restriction really reduced the number of subs this time. It did seem as if there were a lot of YA, sci-fi, fantasy subs in the last one. Being a mystery writer (mainly), I'm happy at getting the chance to sub, but feel bad for those left out. Hopefully, you'll get your chance soon & I can sit in the corner - plotting some murder or something.

  12. I didn't know about this. No one put a notice on the writing networks.

    Guess I should check in to the blog everyday.

    Will there be a round three?

  13. Ah, anon, that is why I encourage my readers to subscribe to the blog. :)

    Yes, there will be a Round 3.

    Thank you, all, for some excellent suggestions here.
