
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Drop The Needle #10

Title: Princess
Genre: Time-travel Romance

“Oops,” Lexy said, stopping short and putting out a hand to catch her balance. “Sorry.”

Lukas stood wrapped in a black cloak, obviously returning to the house from his own early morning walk. She hid a smile. Maybe he’d been denying the inevitable as well.

“My lady,” he nodded. His hair hung loose around his face, framing the strong, angular jaw. Two full lips tightened into a firm line.

“This can’t be good,” she joked, anxious energy bubbling up unexpectedly. “It’s supposed to be bad luck for the bride and groom to see each other before the wedding. I bet you were outside wanting time to yourself and here I come almost running you over. Probably the last person you wanted to see.”

He didn’t deny it.

“Let’s just forget it happened. You go back inside and I’ll come in a few minutes. No one has to know.” She was babbling. She hated it when she babbled. “See you at the church. I’ll be the one up front in the fancy dress.”

She smiled, but he didn’t return the sentiment. No surprise there – he never smiled, why would today be any different? Turning, she moved to continue her walk.

“I beg you.”

His words were raw, forced from the depths of his soul and tinged with an urgency that chilled her blood. She spun to face him.

“I beg you,” he repeated. Something deep and unreadable flickered in his eyes. “Cease this madness now. Before it becomes too late.”

Emotion: Lexy – nervous; Lukas – fear


  1. She's nervous and he's... angry? Desperate? Is that her husband to be? Yikes!

  2. she's nervous, and a bit bitter at the end, maybe because his obvious reluctance.

    I'd like to see where this goes.

  3. The main sense of emotion I got from her was nerves and the main emotion from him was the desperation at the end.

    This extract did interest me in the rest of the story - it sounds like she's the one from the future so I'm trying to figure out how he's being forced to marry her. Intriguing!

  4. I didn't get the emotions at all. I thought she was drunk, and knew he truly didn't like her so she was trying to be annoying.

    I thought they mutually despised each other and he was irritated by her.


  5. Holy cow, did I want to keep reading or what.

    I got the nervousness from Lexy, but not fear from Lucas. Not sure what I felt there...intensity, for sure.


  6. I kinda have to agree with fairchild on this one. There's nervous excitement, but it didn't seem like it came from Lexi, but rather the author Telling the readers how to feel.

  7. I'm guessing an arranged marriage. She comes across as nervous. I'm sensing desperation coming from him.

  8. Very nice work here. I am also sensing some kind of arranged marriage, and anxiety on the part of Lexy and fear/pleading on the part of Lukas.

  9. I didn't get the emotion from their actions, just the author telling. The emotions were rather confusing. Lukas' emotion was "unreadable". His words could be desperation, or anger, or irritation. It's unclear.

  10. Wow... I think she's about to be dumped at the altar.


    The emotion I get from her is shyness and embarrassment.

    From him, I think that he's upset, maybe uncomfortable. Sad? Resolute...

    I'm not sure what's going on with him, but I could tell from the way you described his body language and his relative coldness that something was going on, and it has nothing to do with happy wedding bells.
