
Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday Fricassee

The stand-up comedy routine in yesterday's comment box made my day. If you haven't read the comments yet, get ye to the box. If you're one of the commenters -- thanks for the guffaws!

I love this community of writers.

And, yessiree, Another Secret Agent round has left us with excellent feedback, lots of positive fuzzies, and three lucky winners. More than three, if you count all the honorable mentions. Barbara Poelle has poured herself into this blog and the authors here, and I'm so grateful. I know you are, too.

A quick word to our three top place winners: I know you're probably "perfecting" before submitting. When you send in your stuff, please make sure you clearly state in the subject line that it's your submission to Barbara. Her name in all caps would be helpful.

Because I'm planning an in-house writing fun thing for next week (sharpen your blue pencils!) and I don't want the contest submissions to get lost in my inbox fray.

Also coming up this month: Another fabulous author interview! (I get so excited about these things.) More on this next week.

And in case you were wondering -- yes, that was the real Mr. Authoress in the comment box. He actually reads my blog. So I'm allowed to use him as fodder for the occasional private-life-of-Authoress blog post. It's not like I'm poking fun at him behind his back.

Nope. I'm poking fun at him right where he can see me.

Have a glorious weekend!


  1. Poking fun at your husband behind his back is just mean anyway.

    Plus, if you do it where they can see it, not only do you get the joy of everyone else's reaction, you get the joy of his, too. ;-)

    You're creating an awesome community here, Authoress. Thanks!

  2. :o)

    Sounds like you have way more energy than I do! It's noon on Friday and all I can think about is sleep.....zzz

  3. Who were the honorable mentions? I'd really be interested in knowing.

  4. Margay,

    Barbara offered all contestants who "hooked" her in some way (i.e. garnered some kind of positive response) to submit to her at her agency. These were affectionately referred to as "the honorable mentions."

  5. Ooh. A writing fun thing sounds!

  6. Been a busy weekend here! Just catching up and I can't wait for the fun to commence (are we going to write stories about the best way to "off" our hubbies?). Tee Hee.

    How about the best way to TRAIN them? I'm just dying to know if the empty milk carton taped to the TV worked (for future reference, because it seemed a whole lot less work than hiding the body).

    :) Terri
