
Monday, October 13, 2008

Call For Submissions: Can You Hook A Secret Agent?

Submissions for our third Secret Agent: Are You Hooked? contest are now open.

Please follow the submission guidelines posted HERE.

You will receive a confirmation email containing the post number of your submission. The submission window will be open for 24 hours, or for a total of 75 submissions -- WHICHEVER COMES FIRST.

Please make sure that you email your submission to the correct address: facelesswords(at) I will not be checking my other email address during the submission process.

¡Buena suerte!


  1. how soon after submitting should we get a confirmation email?

  2. It will vary greatly, since I obviously can't sit here and watch the submissions roll in. :) I've confirmed the first 10 so far. My goal is to not let more than a couple of hours pass. I'll do my best to stay on top of this.

  3. What!? You don't sit at your computer all day slavishly devoted to your readers? I'm shocked.

    You're doing great!

  4. You could do an auto-reply, "out-of-the-office" style. But change the reply to simply -- I got it!

  5. Glamis m'lady -- I try to have a life sometimes, yes. :)

    Anon -- I can't use autoreply because I assign a post number to each entry. Also, I don't want gmail to spit out autoreplies after we've reached the 75 mark, so I've got to stay on top of it.

    Wanna send me some chocolate to make it all better? :D

  6. *sends Authoress chocolate*

    I sent you a sub too. O:)

    But chocolate is more important. B-)


  7. Glad to know you have your priorities straight, Merc. :)

  8. I'm ready for the the ripping.

  9. *hands Authoress chocolate*

    Now step away from the computer and go eat it. :)

  10. Should we place bets on how long it takes to reach 75 entries? I'm guessing way before the 24 hours is up.

  11. Well, Serenissima, we're 2 hours in and over 1/3 of the way there already.

    Not that I'm surprised. :)

  12. I won't be submitting, but I just wanted to come in and wish everyone luck! I'll help with the crits. 8^)

  13. How did I forget this was today?????

  14. Okay. After some reviewing and editing, hopefully I didn't add errors, I've sent something in. It's the same opening as last time, but I've edited things and changed things. We'll see how it goes over.

  15. I hope you got mine--I know you are very busy. I haven't received a confirmation--and wondered--I sent it this morning.

  16. Popping in to wish everyone good luck! Oh, yes, and to deliver some choccolate for our gracious hostess. :)

    Can't wait to read the new batch.

  17. *wonders how she is going to taste all this virtual chocolate*

  18. Karrie -- I just checked.

    Assuming "Karrie" is your screen name, I did send you a confirmation email. Check your spam box.

  19. I know you said not to thank you in a reply email, so I will here! Thank you!

  20. Thanks again, authoress, for hosting this competition. Looking forward to reading the excerpts!

  21. Yep. It was in my spam box. Thanks so much.

  22. I sent mine in (tremble) and just would like to know how I go about reading the submissions. Or do we get to read them at all.

    Sorry, but being new, I have no clue.

  23. Hi Sissy --

    All excerpts will be posted this Thursday. You will be able to read them here on the blog, and leave your critiques in the comment boxes below each entry. :)

  24. I'm sitting this one out due to needing to spend more time with my manuscript, but I can't wait to critique and to read others' critiques. I've learned so much from this blog...thank you Authoress.
