
Monday, October 6, 2008

This and That and A Tiny Call For Submissions

This and that:

1. Thank you for your positive responses to Friday's post. It's encouraging to feel the being-on-the-same-pageness with so many of you.

2. The SUBMISSIONS GUIDELINES for next week's SECRET AGENT contest will be posted on Wednesday. That way, my faithful readers can get their ducks in a row ahead of time.

Tiny Call For Submissions:

Tiny, because this is all I'm asking for:

Send THE FIRST TWO SENTENCES of your novel.

No, the novel doesn't have to be finished (that requirement is for Secret Agent contests only).

There are opinions galore as to how much weight an opening sentence carries. I think we'll all agree that there are some that stink. Hackneyed, you know. Or perhaps TOO "out there."

It was a dark and stormy night...

My name is Tillie. Tillie McFoodle.

I woke up in a cold sweat.

Once upon a time...

Shame, horror, vulgarity, and birthday cake -- they always go together.

Anyway, I thought we'd make it a TWO SENTENCE session to give it a little more "oomph." And to take all the pressure off of the first sentence.

So do this:

Send your FIRST TWO SENTENCES to facelesswords(at)

That's it. No title, no genre. Just the first two sentences.

And let's see what kind of responses we get. Okay?

ETA: I will accept submissions until 9:00 am EDT on Wednesday, October 8.


  1. Two sentences I think I can just about handle. :o)

    Now, to go pick something out!

  2. Authoress, you're a genius! You thought of a way to feed all of us "not quite ready for prime-timers!"


  3. Yay! Should be interesting.

  4. Am I to assume that we are sticking to the "one per person so we don't over-work your poor pea-pickin heart"?

    :) Terri

  5. Can this be from the same story we're going to submit for the secret agent contest? or does it have to be different?

  6. Terri -- You may submit 2 this time (and this time only). :)

    Emily -- Yes, it can be the same. Because this isn't a full critique, so you're good to go.

  7. I'm brand new to your blog. I came here from Liana Brooks' site and I think I might be hooked . . . I look forward to frequenting this blog and learning more!

    I'll be sending my two sentences shortly.

  8. Yay! Thank you for opening it up to 2 submissions. Right after submitting mine I came up with the first two sentences for new WIP that's been brewing.

  9. Lady Glamis -- Welcome! So glad you're jumping right in. :)

    Mary -- You were....INSPIRED?!?!? Well, yeehaw!!

  10. Cool! :D *goes to hunt down some lines*

  11. "Yeehaw?" Authoress, did you just type "yeehaw"?

    **Shakes head and mutters something about dialogue creep**

  12. ROFL

    I was just, ur, trying to get your attention.

  13. Most definitely will be participating. :)

  14. Whee! This is a contest I can enter! Can't wait to get home and dig out my sentences :D

  15. I'm not entering this time, but I'll be glad to crit.

    Anyone have a strategy for how to crit these sentences? What'll you be looking for?

  16. Well, personally I would look at:

    - does it catch my attention? draw me in? would I want to read more?

    And I'd also look for whether it's been done too much (waking up, a dream, any scream that pierces any kind of air/atmosphere, etc), stuff like that. But that's me. ;)


  17. Good tips, Merc. :)

  18. Well, I just found this site this morning, and if I can figure out how to do it, I would love to enter.

  19. I just offered all my blog readers (mostly friends) to submit first sentences (for fun, not anything like you're doing, so don't worry).

    I just wanted to say that I think your site is a wonderful thing, and a great way to get new writers to keep writing and keep growing! You are doing a great job! Thank you!

  20. Thank you for the kudos, Lady Glamis. I love doing this blog and I love knowing it's actually making a difference for some people. Sometimes it gets a little "quiet" around here and I start to wonder. So I appreciate your burst of effusive thankfulness! :)

  21. This is my first participation, and I'm looking forward to it. Wonderful to be able to take a break and still feel like I'm doing writerly stuff!

  22. Thank you for all you do for us writers. Your blog is always so much fun to read and participate in.
