
Monday, November 24, 2008

A Happy Agent Tale From Entrant #29

What a great way to kick off the week -- a success story!

You may remember that Post #29 in our last Secret Agent contest was redacted because the author had just landed an agent. Well, Denise was kind enough to send me a link to her new blog, where she has shared THE WHOLE STORY.

Know what I love about this? Other than the fact that one of our own has achieved success in her agent search, I mean. What I love is the honor of having been involved on some level. Denise was a winner in one of our Secret Agent contests; she also put the feedback she received here on MSFV to good use in her manuscript.

In other words, this blog and its incredible participants have been a part of Denise's journey.

So let's all celebrate with her. Her success is our success. And I know she'll keep us informed on the progress of her book, and one day we'll be able to snatch it off the shelves and say, "We knew her when!"

Do read the story on her blog. Then come back here and share your thoughts.

Way to go, Denise!


  1. Thank you for sharing that wonderful news with us. An inspiring piece to show us that the dream can be achieved and is out there waiting for us.

  2. FYI, no post about landing her agent yet, just a note that the post will be up in a few days. I was ready for a good read! :(

    Way to go Denise - looking forward to reading your story.

  3. That is so amazing and inspiring! Congratulations!

  4. Amy, the post has been on her blog for days. Maybe you need to empty your cache/refresh your browser? Cuz it's up there. I promise. :)

  5. Congratulations, Denise!

  6. Congratulations, Denise! Now rub off on the rest of us, would you? ;-)

  7. WOW!
    Congratulations, Denise!

  8. Thanks for the link! Her post was so inspiring. I love success stories like this. She's an inspiration to NaNo writers everywhere!

    So, when's the next Secret Agent...?

  9. Thanks everyone! Not only a new agent, but all this writerly support as well!

    Thanks so much for all your nice wishes!!!

  10. It's nice to hear more specifics from a recently represented author, I often find those in short supply from the already established.

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