
Thursday, November 13, 2008


Scroll down; it's all right there.


  1. Awesome - thanks for doing this again<:

    By the way... did you know you are a year ahead of the rest of us? :)

  2. Yes, thank you for this! It's a real treat for all of us!

    I'm going to try and post on every submission today, but I'm wondering if this runs to Monday?

  3. Sponge -- yes, I always try to be one step ahead. Or one year, as it were. :D

    Sarah -- You can post feedback endlessly. The contest officially ends with the unveiling of our Secret Agent on Monday.

  4. OMG, authoress, it's soooo hard to get to the entries. I had to scroll through several pages just to get to entry #1! Why don't the entries have links in the archive on the left like they have in the past? It made it so easy to just click on the number and voila! Takes you right to it. Now you have keep clicking "older post" to find what you're looking for. I'll crit a few entries, but I don't have the patience to go through so many hoops to locate each consecutive one. Sigh.

  5. Just finished commenting on each one. This was fun!

    I just pushed the "back" button on the top of my computer to take me back to the page where I was reading. I was getting tired of flipping through all the "webpages"lol to get to were I was.

    Can't wait to read all the replys from the secret agent! She/He has already commented on a few of the stories!

  6. Wow. There are lots of great stories in this round!

  7. Karen,

    It's because I post-dated the top 2 posts.

    If you click on the little arrow beside "2008" and then click the arrow beside "November," all the entries will show up, as usual. Then you can click each one from the sidebar like you normally do.

  8. Oh! I feel like such a dummy. Thanks, authoress. I had created 4 tabs of the blog for different pages of entries, lol! It was starting to get very confusing. Thanks!
