
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Submissions Are Now Closed

Thank you to all who submitted!


  1. Yay!
    I can't wait to start reading!

  2. When are the submission supposed to be posted?

  3. How many entries did you end up with?

    Congrats on the ebook launch!

  4. The submissions will be posted on Thursday. We've got 42 this time!

    And thank you, Serenissima. I'm just a tad excited. :)

  5. I'm excited to find out who the secret agent is!

  6. I just wish you would do something like this for query letters. Who cares how great the first 250 words are if your letter isn't compelling enough for the agent to want to read them.

    Looking forward to reading the entries.

  7. Well, there are already other places online where you can get your query letter ripped apart. I choose to focus on the actual writing here.

    You're right; your query needs to be strong. But I have a slightly different perspective on queries than most (which is detailed in my e-book). I don't ultimately believe that running your query through the grist mill on a forum is the best approach. But if that's something you feel you would benefit from, try Query Shark or the critique board at Verla Kay or even, where there is a consistent gaggle of writers ready to rip into your posted query (been there, done that).

  8. oooh! Thanks for the info. I'll do that. And I can't wait to read your e-book.
