
Monday, December 29, 2008

Bookmark This!

For your writerly betterment: The new Query Tracker Blog is now up and running -- and running, no less, by the capable hands of several of our regulars here on MSFV! I'm delighted by the potential of this new blog.

Head on over and see who's on the team!


  1. Thanks for the mention! We're having a great time over there on the QT blog.

  2. I will definitely add this to my list! Thanks for sharing, Authoress. And thanks to all of your run it! I'm sure it's a lot of work. It looks great!

  3. Great recommendation. Glad to see the basic necessities on the author's end are stable. Now I know for sure I've been getting good advice from others :)

    I've heard a bit of buzz about Query Tracker via my on-line workshops (OWW for sci-fi, fantasy and horror), a couple of the 18 blogs I subscribe to and a mention by one of my in-person writing group members.

    After slogging through agent query and publisher's marketplace, I'm quite curious to see how QT fares.

  4. QT blog is added to my blog list! Looks fab :) Loved the 7c haracteristics.

  5. Another thank you for the mention, Authoress! We're really excited about this project.

    Jarucia -- you'll have to let us know what you think about QT. Feedback is always welcome. We're also going to be posting blog entries on ways to use QT even more effectively and efficiently.

    Thanks so much for everyone's interest!

  6. Authoress, thanks for the post! We're so excited to bring the aspiring authors more information on the elusive agent hunt, as well as just the awesomeness of writing.

    Yunaleska, I'm glad you liked the article.

    Thanks again!
