
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Fun #5

By Julie Fedynich

We Wish You A Merry Christmas
(Sung by Agents to Writers)

We wish you would learn to query

We wish you would learn to query

We wish you would learn to query and save us some tears

We wish you would use twelve-point font

We wish you would use twelve-point font

We wish you would use twelve-point font, our eyes must last years

We work and we slave, all you do is play

The least you could do is edit, for at least one day.


  1. I've laughed at all the Christmas Funs thus far, but this one had me in tears. I can visualize agents singing it at their Christmas party. Way to go!

  2. Oh, ha, ha, ouch, ouch!

    This was such fun to read! But while I'm laughing I'm also thinking, this is probably so true.

    Good job!

  3. Hee hee!
    I'm going to be singing this to myself for days now. Thanks. When I accidentally do it out loud, I'm blaming you, Authoress.

  4. Hahaha! This was hilarious.

  5. "Snicker"

    That's funny.

    Happy Holidays!

  6. *snickers* Very nice. I'm sure the agents would like this one!
