
Monday, January 19, 2009

And The Winners Are.....

These are truly the most fun posts to write. You know what's especially fun? Reading comments from winners before they know they've won. Makes me feel kinda....omniscient. *grin*

Without further ado, here are this round's winners, hand-picked by Sarah Davies:

Honourable Mentions (spelled the British way, in honour of Ms. Davies) -- who, in the words of Ms. Davies, will receive "no prize other than the joy of having piqued my interest!":

#51 – THE ONLY WAY FORWARD by Siobhan

#48 – EDEN by English151

#39 – DAMAGE CONTROL by AmberJ

And here are the CONTEST WINNERS:

Third prize: #46 – THE MIRROR by ElanaJ

The prize: Ms. Davies will read the first chapter – or 10 pages, whichever is shorter.

Second prize: #11 – THE BIGGEST WEIRDO IN THE WHOLE EIGHTH GRADE by onetiredmama

The prize: Ms. Davies will read the first 3 chapters – or 50 pages, whichever is shorter.

First prize: #27 – FOREST FOR THE TREES by Ink Wench

The prize: Ms. Davies will read the full manuscript.

Place winners: Please email me at facelesswords(at) for submission instructions.

Also, Ms. Davies has asked that I let you all know that, while other entries were well written, she went for the ones that felt most commercial to her.

Congratulations, everyone!


  1. Huge congratulations to the winners! Well done!

  2. Congrats to the winners and honorable mentions. Great job to all of you!

  3. I add my congratulations. And I think Ms. Davies picked some great pieces.

    Thanks to Authoress and Ms. Davies for the time you put into this. I'm learning loads from these contests.

  4. Congratulations! What a fun learning experience this has been.

    Thanks so much, authoress and Ms. Davies.

  5. Ink Wench! Congrats! I'm so excited for you!

    Also, congrats to the other winners!

  6. Congrats to all the winners, and to everyone who entered, I know it's been a great help for me to know what's not working.

    Thanks again to Ms. Davies and Authoress for all of your time, you're both wonderful!

  7. Congratulations to everyone! It's always fun to read the entries and comments :) Everyone learns from these, not just the entrants.

  8. And thanks to all of you! What a fascinating experience. I really appreciate all your hard work - and willingness to put yourself under my scrutiny!
    Do visit the Greenhouse website and blog, and wishing you all the very best with your writing.

    Sarah (not so secret) Davies

  9. Congrats to the winners!

    I was impressed with the passion everyone demonstrated toward other people's work. If someone expressed a negative comment, there was always several others who were quick to say otherwise.

    It reminds you of what the publishing industry is really like. There will always be those agents and editors (and later the critics) who won't like your style, characters, plot. But there will be others who feel the complete opposite.

    Can't wait for the next one, even though I can no longer participate.

  10. Congratulations all! (especially Siobhan -- this first page is good, and I love the premise for the rest)

  11. Big congrats to the winners -- I loved the winners too! Thank you to Authoress for providing such a wonderful platform, Sarah Davies for donating your time, and to all of the commenters for your thougtful feedback. I appreciate it!

  12. #27 was in my top three favorites!
    A well deserved first place!

    Congrats to the honorable mentions and the three winners!

    Hopefully we'll see your books in stores within the next couple years!

    Good luck from entry #34


  13. Mega-congrats to the winners. Ink Wench, yours is the one I would've chosen for first place, too (well, tied with the southern waitress/momma one, that didn't place; different tastes!)--good luck with it.

    And good luck to all the entrants; there are so many excellent first pages here. Says good things for the future of kidlit, I think.

  14. Congrats to all the winners!

    Thanks to Authoress for organizing this and giving us this great opportunity!

  15. Congratulations to my fellow Purgatorians, Ink and Momma! Woo hoo!

    All the entries were great. I read most and critiqued some. You all should be very proud. Nicely done!

  16. Ditto, ditto ditto to all the above. Congratulations to the honorable mentions and the winners.

  17. Congrats to everyone...some very good pieces of YA and children's lit in pipeline :)

    Glad I had a chance to share reads with you all.

  18. Wow! I can't believe it. Thanks so much. Thanks to everyone who took the time to critique and to everyone who posted their work. I learned so much from all the entries. And of course thanks to Ms. Davies for taking part in this great contest and thanks to the Fab Authoress for being so....fab!

  19. Congrats to the winners! Everybody has done a great job. :)

  20. This was such an amazing experience! Thanks to everyone who took the time to critique my piece and share their own. Thanks to Sarah Davies for giving great advice and to Authoress for putting on such awesome contests. Congrats to all the winners!

  21. Whooo-hooo! Great job everyone, and winners, I'm very happy for you. :) Good luck as you proceed. Thanks, Authoress, for a wonderful competition. Thanks for the terrific feedback, everyone. And Ms. Davies, you gave some excellent feedback and I really appreciate you taking the time to do this.

  22. Thanks so much everyone! :-) Congrats to Mama and ElanaJ, and all the runners up. To everyone who posted or critiqued, reading all the entries and comments was a great learning experience.

    Thanks again to Authoress and Ms. Davies for their time and effort!

  23. Congratulations to the winners!

    This was really neat and exciting to see all the encouragement and comments. And the suspense... wow, that was good... waiting to hear who the secret agent was and the winners....that makes it all the more fun.

    Thanks so much Authoress for such a great blog and to Sarah Davies for your time and helpful comments.

  24. CONGRATS, everyone! :D

    Also thanks to Ms. Davies for comments and time--I enjoyed reading all her comments on the entries. :)


  25. Huge congrats to everyone who won! Everyone did a great job, though :)

  26. Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to Authoress and Ms. Davies. You've helped us all and kept us on out toes.
