
Monday, January 26, 2009

Our Second First Chapter

Kinda weird title. Our second first...?

Anyway, Blodwyn's chapter will be up all week, waiting for your thoughtful critiques. Questions? Post them here, to keep the other comment box filled with critiques only.

Thanks for your bravery, Blodwyn!


  1. I'm very excited about this and can't thank you enough, Authoress, for this wonderful site and this opportunity. It gave me quite a thrill to see it posted here! I appreciate any and all thoughts/feedback on the story. Anything to make it stronger! Happy Monday to all.

  2. Hi all,
    I wanted to leave a heartfelt "thank you" to everyone so far who has read and commented on my story. I think all of your suggestions are extremely helpful and I appreciate them so much. I don't want to say too much detailed stuff because I don't want to influence future critiquers, but I do want to say how much I appreciate it. You're a fantastic group of people. I'm sending you all virtual chocolates, martinis, wine, and flowers.
    Thank you!!!!!!!!!
