
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Revised First Chapters Now Up!

Revisions of the entries from our last Secret Agent contest are now posted on Sarah's blog.

Head on over and leave your critiques!


  1. And thank you to all those who posted!
    I'll read them soon. :) Well, at least better than the scanning I did while posting them.

  2. I need some help. At Sarah's blog,I've left three different comments, typed in the starred item and pressed submit and nothing happens except my message is deleted and my comment is lost. What am I doing wrong?

  3. Some posts are harder to find and in a different section. Mine is one of five in a seperate section. I hope critters can find us!

    Oh, I forgot to say thank you, Sarah. This is fantastic and I appreciate it.

  4. Thanks Sarah for doing this. It's amazing to see all the changes since the contest. I especially love that she linked the revisions with the previous ones. Many of us have been shocked at the changes (all for the better).

    I am also thrilled she allowed us to include our blurb if necessary. The feedback on mine has been great now that eveyone knows the MC had been raped. Fortunately all the comments are addressed right after the first 200 words I submitted. Glad to hear I'm on the right track.

    And thanks, Authoress, for posting Sarah's link for us.

  5. Didn't realize the chapters were up until today. Good Luck everyone!

    I'll be checking them out!

  6. Sorry Idpauling for some reason you were singled out as spam. I've approved you, and you should be good now.
    And I've been in bed sick all day, or I would have found it earlier.

  7. Thanks. I thought for sure it was something I was doing. Hope you feel better.

  8. Thanks, and hopefully that should clear it up. If not, comment on the Please feel free post and I'll try to fix it. :)

  9. So far I haven't figured out how to sign in to comment.

    I'm not giving up yet because this was such an awesome opportunity.

  10. Sissy, you don't need to sign in. Just fill in your comments and the other info and send (or something like that). It's really easy.
