
Monday, March 16, 2009

Call For Submissions: Can You Hook A Secret Agent?

Submissions are officially open.

The guidelines:

1. Please submit the first 250 words of your COMPLETED NOVEL to facelesswords(at)

2. Submissions must be received IN THE FOLLOWING FORMAT:

Screen Name (PLEASE list this first, as it's easier to swipe the text below without including it)

(Please -- no bold, underlines, or strange fonts.)

(Also -- please, NO CENTER-JUSTIFYING!)

*Submission in a normal font (NOT Courier, Comic, or anything that is outside the realm of normal in the publishing world), 250 words (your first page)

3. This month's contest will include the following genres:

  • Suspense
  • Mystery
  • Thriller
  • YA and MG mystery,thriller, adventure (no SF/F)

If your novel does not fall within one of these genres, please do not enter.

4. Entries will be limited to THE FIRST 50 SUBMISSIONS. Period. The submissions window will remain open for a maximum of 24 hours. Please check the blog for notification that the submission maximum has been reached.

5. All submissions will receive a confirmation email containing your post number. If you do not receive a confirmation email, I did not receive your submission. (Please note: I do not use an auto-responder. It may be a few hours before you receive your confirmation.)

6. I LOVE your personal notes -- I really do. But please refrain from sending a "thank you" email after I've sent your post number.

7. NO ATTACHMENTS. Please send your submission in the body of your email.

8. By entering this contest, you are agreeing to the public posting and critiquing of your work.

9. If you are chosen as a winner of this contest, you will agree to the terms of the prize as laid out by our Secret Agent, or your prize will be subject to forfeiture.

Okay, have at it!


  1. Good luck everyone!!

  2. I can't wait to read all the wonderful submissions!

  3. I'll be a reader only this time. My novel is MG light fantasy, which isn't included this time. But I got a request for a partial today, which makes me uberhappy.

  4. Just lucked onto this site and decided to have a go. Good Luck to everyone!

  5. This seems so surreal. Call for submissions went out over three hours ago, and the Authoress hasn't had to close it yet. That or she's already gone to bed.

    Good luck to all who have entered!
