
Monday, May 11, 2009

Submissions Are Now Open

Submissions for the Secret Agent: Are You Hooked? contest are now officially open. The window will remain open for 24 hours.


  • Please email the following information to facelesswords(at)
  • You will receive A LOTTERY NUMBER as your confirmation email.
  • After submissions have closed, I will randomly choose 50 submissions to be included in the Secret Agent contest.
  • Lottery winners will be notified by email.
  • If you do not hear from me, YOUR NUMBER WAS NOT CHOSEN. I hate non-response-type things, but I simply don't have the time to send out "sorry" emails.
  • The 50 winning submissions will be posted on Wednesday morning for critique.
Please note the following:

  • Secret Agent contests are for COMPLETED, POLISHED MANUSCRIPTS. Remember that an agent will be reading these excerpts. Don't enter if you know you're not ready for an agent to read your work.
  • Submissions are comprised of the FIRST 250 WORDS of your completed novel.
  • All submissions will be posted anonymously.
  • PLEASE DO NOT ENTER if your submission was included in last month's SA contest.
The genres included in this month's contest are as follow:

  • SF/F
  • Horror
  • Young Adult fiction (all genres)
  • Romance (historical and paranormal only)
If your novel does not fall into one of the above genres, please do not submit.

Post your questions below. And good luck to all!

ETA: To alleviate any confusion, please see THIS POST, in case you missed it last week.


  1. Well, this is the first time I've tried something like this.

    Very curious to see the outcome.


  2. My first time too. Best of luck to everyone!

  3. Do we send in the 250 word snippet in the email? Or just name, title, genre?

  4. To lapetus999 - Yes, include your 250 words copied into your email (not as at attachment). Put your name, title, genre first, then your 250.

    Good luck!

  5. Oops. I followed the instructions too literally. I just sent in:


    I did not paste in my 250 words as I thought only lottery winners got to submit an actual piece for critique. Can I still send in a piece if I'm selected?

  6. Nooooo....please don't send your excerpts! This is only the lottery to see which 50 will be included in the contest.

    The instructions in this post are meant to be taken literally. All I need is SCREEN NAME, TITLE, GENRE. That's it!

  7. Cool.
    You might want to update the post for those who are comment-challenged. ;)

  8. I think the post is pretty clear as is.

    Go on. Read it. It tells you exactly what I want. ;)

    ("Comment challenged" - LOL!)

  9. It never states that the "winners" need to send in their only states that the submissions will be posted. Maybe something like "winners need to send in their submissions by so-and-so time" might help.
    Anywho, thanks for having this contest!

  10. Oops! Sorry to confuse things.

  11. lapetus999 -- Please see this post:

  12. k-- now I feel foolish- I just did it the way we did drop the needle last week. (Maybe I did it wrong then, too...

    Sorry I got it wrong. I'll try to be more aware if I do this again.

  13. Oops, I sent my 250 words too. Charge it being used to the old way of doing things and also, reading the instructions sneakily at work so I skim quickly as to not get caught. Sorry :-(
    So I take it that if my number is dawn that I won't have to resubmit my 250 words?

  14. rosepddle--yes, you will. I'm not going to go fishing through all these submissions to find it LOL

  15. Thank you for doing this. Good luck to everyone.
