
Monday, May 25, 2009


A big THANK YOU to all who took the time to post the book trailer for AGENT:DEMYSTIFIED on your blog or Facebook page.

The WINNER (via random drawing) is VRLEAVITT.

Congratulations, Vrleavitt! Please email me at facelesswords(at) and let me know where to email your free copy of the e-book.


I'll admit, I was a little disappointed at the relatively low turn-out for the contest. The slightly-more-than-a-dozen entries are hardly indicative of the way-more-than-that on my RSS and email subscription lists.

(In short: hellooooo out there....there...there...)

Still. I always enjoy announcing a winner. Makes me feel almost Christmas-y!

Coming up this week: Our next five 1000-word critiques! If yours belongs to the 16-20 group and you want to a) redact or b) submit revisions, please do so by the end of today, so that I can get the posts ready to go.

And that's all for now. Happy Monday!


  1. Congrats VRLEAVITT!

    Sorry, Authoress, that I didn't enter, but my blog is for teens interested in learning about photography. So the trailer for Agent: Demystified wouldn't make a lot of sense for my audience. And I keep forgetting I have a Facebook page. Shows you how often I update it. :)

  2. Oh boy! A contest just for me! I'll be sending my first 1000 pages, as per your request, shortly. My completed novel is 2500 pages long, every one of them a thriller!!

  3. Sorry I didn't join in on this contest--since I already did a few posts on it earlier, and since I'm planning on a few more with reviews and such, I didn't want to overwhelm my blog readers with it :)

  4. puzzlehouse -- k, I had to read your comment twice until I had my "doh!" moment. LOL!! Will be fixing that presently....

  5. I had to read the part about how you enjoy announcing a winner twice. I thought it said whiner. Then I had a giggle fit. This is what happens when I do laundry instead of taking a nap. Not pretty.

  6. Congrats to the winner!!!!

    Authoress, I'm so sorry I didn't participate. I had included a link and realized I didn't read your post right, so then I took it off. And then I didn't get back to putting up your trailer on my blog. :S

    I was thinking the turnout on this would be huge! Maybe you should try this again another time, too.

  7. I just added your trailer.

    And to my links.


  8. Hi, Authoress, I had already added your blog to mine as soon as I had one, and now I've added your 'Agent Demistified page' I didn't enter the contest because I had already bought your e book. It's great. And now it's on my blog too.

    This is my first blog and I'm just learning how to use it. I love it. I wish I knew how to edit my 'Lins title' I made a typo and can't seem to edit it.

    We're all in the background promoting your e book, Authoress. Don't you worry.


  9. Wow!! I can't believe I won. I never win anything, so this is pretty exciting. I can't WAIT to read the book! Thanks so much Authoress!
