
Monday, June 1, 2009

June Is Bustin' Out All Over

Dumb tune, but it's the first one that came to mind.

I thought I'd take a few moments to inform my faithful readers about upcoming weeks on the blog. Just so you can say I told you so.

We're going to have a quiet couple of weeks to start off, with probably a low-key, in-house crit session thrown in there.

(Have any ideas for something NEW and DIFFERENT? Post them here!!)

There will be NO SECRET AGENT CONTEST in June.

Yep, I did that on purpose. Because Mr. A and I are leaving on the 17th for a little vacation.

And the blog will go dark.

I'll open a comment box for y'all prior to my departure, but I won't be posting while on vacation. I'll be back on the 29th.

So there you have it. A much-needed break.

Of course, I'm currently killing myself over here, trying to finish my WIP before I leave. Yep, it's still coming along at a nice, 1000-word-per-day clip. I'm almost 80% finished (if the novel ends up at 80K, which is my estimate). So, yeah, when I leave for vacation, I'm going to feel about ten pounds lighter.

Unless, of course, I decide to print out the WIP so that Mr. A and I can enjoy our infamous out-loud crit sessions whilst on holiday. As long as we've got wine in hand, that will prove to be a fun time for all.

No, seriously. Going over my novels with my Dearest Hubby is one of my favorite things in life.

So that's June. Questions, comments, virtual donations to my vacation fund, all go into the comment box, please.


  1. Enjoy your break, it's well-earned!

    My wife was, a long time ago, a great sounding board before, during, and after the writing, it's more along the lines of the critic who says 'didn't like the movie' without seeing the movie...

    Mostly my fault as I spent 4 years working on a manuscript she told me (repeatedly) that I shouldn't write (got tantalizingly close to selling...). With the new WIP, she's NOT happy with my choice of villain so she's not reading it...

    Sigh :)

  2. Enjoying this: "No seriously. Going over my novel with my Dearest Hubby is one of my favorite things in life."

    So where does it rank on his top five? Yes, I'm being silly. I'm sure he loves it, but it is vacation.

    Either way, enjoy your get away. I have a favorite card that I send, so I'm attaching it for you as you plan ahead. Everyone can enjoy a desktop vacation on me.

  3. I need a hubby who's willing to be my crit partner!

  4. You have to tell me just a bit more about how going over your manuscript with your husband ends up being fun...
    I can't get my hubby involved in my writing to save my life

  5. Have a great vacation. I'll miss the blog. Then again, I'll be on vacation part of that time too, and the computer (shhhhh, don't let it know) is probably staying home this time. Okay, it might go with me, but only in case of an emergency.


  6. June sounds like a great time for you! You need a break badly, m'dear. Enjoy it!!!

  7. June sounds like a great time for you! You need a break badly, m'dear. Enjoy it!!!

  8. My husband breaks out in hives whenever he gets near the library. He detests all things literary but since I detest all things that shoot Bambi, we're even.

  9. Have fun on vacation--in whatever form that takes :-)

    When asked to discuss my writing, my dh says, "I'll read it when it's published." And he does, but only when trapped on an airplane for several hours.

    Gee, with that kind of support at home, why would this blog be a godsend? ;-)

    We'll miss you, but bon voyage, cherie!

  10. Congrats on your WIP! You've really stuck with your goal! Have a great vacation.

  11. "Scott said...
    ...I'll be on vacation part of that time too, and the computer (shhhhh, don't let it know) is probably staying home this time."

    Why do I assume that if you leave it, the thing will send up a lightening rod to be zapped, thus taking its life and leave you without back up, because the fire expand through out your home.

    Ah, just ignore me, I'm really not clairvoyant--most of the time. *chewing my nails worried for you* :-)

  12. Have a great time! And congrats on the WIP progress.

  13. Have a great vacation, sounds like fun! It sounds like you have a great and supportive husband. It's a wonderful gift, the time we get to spend with those we love. Enjoy!

  14. Enjoy your vacation! You really deserve it. This blog has probably helped people more than you know. And I'm one of those people! Thanks so much for those Secret Agent contests!

  15. RE: Ideas for in-house crit session

    Maybe an "either/ or" session?
    People submit 2 versions of an opening or some 250 word excerpt, and critters crit and comment on which version or combination of versions they prefer and why.

    It could be a scene you've revised or rewritten a couple (dozen) times. Or maybe you have 2 completely different openings for the same WIP and want to know which one has the better hook

  16. Have a great vacation! I'll use June to get a submission (my first!) ready for the 1,000 words critique.

    Maybe some dialouge exercises/critiques? They're always good...not sure how they'd work.
