
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Bye-Bye Microsoft

It's official. I'm a Mac User.

Granted, it's been a rough transition (just ask Jodi Meadows, my online emotional support system). But now that I'm feeling slightly more confident, I'd like to introduce you all to Beatrice, my very own MacBook Pro.

I've arrived. I mean, surely.

I'm a complete moron with the this-isn't-a-mouse thing. My eyes are rebelling against the smaller screen. And I don't like the sound effects my mail program makes (and haven't taken the time to figure out how to change them).

But ultimately? I'm in love.

The biggest struggle of all is learning Scrivener. Yesterday I finally imported my WIP and broke it into chapters. That's as far as I've gotten. Unless you include changing the name of the draft folder to the title of my novel. Scrivener's got amazing potential; those of you who have sung its praises weren't whistling proverbial Dixie! But it's going to take time. Scads of time.

For now, I've just got to edit the last four chapters to complete the second draft (yep, I'm actually that far along!). Then I'll figure out how to get fancy. But, yeah, this is exciting. Exciting!

How cool is sitting in the local sandwich shop with Beatrice (yep, did that on Tuesday)? How thrilled am I at the thought of hitting Starbucks, my favorite pub, and every other hang-out place in town with my MANUSCRIPT IN TOW? No more coveting the glowing apples at tables nearby. I've got my own now.

All thanks to Mr. A, who surprised me with it on Sunday evening. In the car. As we were leaving to see a play. He just kinda reached into the back seat and threw this box on my lap. I don't think I've ever had a present thrown at me before.

And there she was, all sleek and sexy inside her box. And as soon as I could breathe again, I named her Beatrice.

"I was going to wait for our anniversary," Mr. A said, "but I decided to give it to you right away." Good thing. I can't imagine being four days behind where I am right now in this transferring-from-Microcrap-to-Mac process.

That's right. It's our anniversary today. Guess I'll keep him another year. The guy is awfully good at timing the gift-giving, don't you think?


  1. Congrats on your new Beatrice! And congrats on your delightful Mr. A. too! A supportive partner like that makes such a difference in the writing life.

  2. He's definitely a keeper. ;)

    Happy anniversary! :D

    (And also, welcome to the Mac side. B-))


  3. Congrats! On both Mr. A and the Mac. I adore my Mac.

  4. Awesome! Grats on the new laptop and happy anniversary.

    I've been thinking about getting a netbook. Apparently, my super cmputer savy boyfriend can make it run a Mac operating system.

    I'm intrigued by Scrivener, but I don't know if I can completely give up my PC for it.

  5. Congrats on the anniversary.

    I have to buy a laptop in March and I'm playing around with the idea of a Mac. Since I haven't used one since third grade this could get rough.

    And as for the whole "throwing the present at you" ... that's how my husband proposed. Oh, be still my heart!

  6. I have one of those too, courtesy of my amazing wife! Unfortunately, I use a Dell for work, so the daily switch is very hard to get used to. I keep brushing three fingers across my Dell mouse pad and wondering why nothing is happening...

  7. I have a Mac desktop at work and haven't totally fallen in love yet. But the MacBook Pro is lovely and thin.

    And Beatrice is one of my favorite names! Best of luck with the changeover period.

  8. Happy Anniversary . . . and congrats on Beatrice.

    I seriously can't believe you named your computer. :) Then again, I named my GPS!


  9. Much congrats! I switched to a Mac a couple of years ago, and I even brought Mr. Awe-Some Sauce over to the one mouse button darkside. I cheated a little though, and got MS Office for Apple for my word processing.

    Overall, I <3 my Mac.

  10. Scott, what's your GPS named? Mine's Gladys. As in "I can't turn right, Gladys, it's a one way street!"

  11. Congratulations to you and Mr. A! Wuv!

  12. I also am a new convert to my MacBook Pro (although I used to use Macs 15 years ago). I can't imagine life with it (er her, now I have name envy... best get thinking). One of the coolest things about the laptop is the battery life. I can literally work for a good six hours without having to plug in. I have days where I never go into my office, and I just sit on the couch and work.

    Scrivener is also amazing. A little rough around the edges in parts, but generally I am really enjoying working in it. The best part is how it enables you to look at the big picture. I can immediately see where a bit of dialogue, or a new scene can be added. Or I can tell where things are getting bloated.

  13. Welcome to the Mac club (mine is named Hazel and sends all best wishes for a happy life for you and Beatrice)!

  14. That's fabulous. I'm a graphic designer (as well as a so-so writer) and I've been seriously thinking of going back to the Mac world. So much more immune to those darned viruses that are plaguing my system right now.

    You can get a wireless mouse for your Mac if the touchpad gets tiresome.

    Good luck, and enjoy.

  15. Oh, I'm *majorly* jealous right now! A Mac AND scrivener?! *pouts*

    Real smooth present-delivery though! LOL

  16. Having a MacBookPro and an iMac, I thought it was time Mrs. A become enlightened. Happy anniversary my love!

  17. Happy Anniversary to the A-Team :-)

    To Michael--how can you be a graphic designer on a PC? (kidding. sort of. oh, web design?)

    Welcome to the Mac world, Mrs. A. And congrats on your editing progress!

  18. Congrats! Happy Anniversary!

    I recently picked up a netbook - don't know enough about Macs to consider one yet. I'm curious about Scrivener though.

  19. Nothing but Macs since 1986. Have six in my house at the moment. My MacBook Air is called "Hans" (he was bought in Germany and has a German keyboard)

  20. Welcome to the club. There are no dues, and you don't have to attend meetings.

    Just coolly arch an eyebrow when a macbook owner goes by. That's the only requirement.

  21. Congrats on Beatrice and the great husband. :)

    I've had a laptop for the past four years. It's a Toshiba and I love it. I will never get a desktop again.

    I didn't name my laptop, because to me it's just an extention of my fingers.. :)

    I can type faster than write, and my thoughts flow from my brain to my keyboard.. I love it.

    Wishing you the best with yours...
