
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Secret Agent Lands Client From Contest!

This is the biggest, most exciting announcement to grace the pages of this blog.

Are you ready?

Elissa Cruz, first place winner in our March, 2009 Secret Agent contest, has signed with Secret Agent Josh Getzler!

That's right! It's our very first AGENT SIGNING as a result of winning a Secret Agent Contest.

In Elissa's own words:

I wanted to take a moment and thank you for all the time and energy you put into your Secret Agent contests. I entered and won first place in March 2009, when the fabulous Josh Getzler was the Secret Agent. As my prize, I whisked my full manuscript off to him, and I'm thrilled to announce that he has offered representation! I'm certain that without this contest I would still be searching for my dream agent. But, thanks to you, I've found him.

And when my book sells, you and all your wonderful critters have earned a prominent place in the acknowledgments. THANK YOU!

Elissa also mentioned that she'd love for you to pop over to her BLOG with your questions and comments.

Needless to say, I am BEYOND THRILLED. Elissa's the first to prove that ours is truly the Premium Slush Pile. Not only am I delighted for Elissa, but also I'm SO PROUD of this fantastic group of aspiring authors. Let this be a fireworks-embellished reminder to each of you that YOU COULD BE NEXT.

Congratulations to Elissa and Josh. May this be the start of a fabulous working relationship and the kick-off to a long and successful writing career!


  1. Woohoo! Congratulations to Elissa. *applause*

  2. That is FABULOUS! :D Congrats, Elissa!

  3. Yeah, I noticed the link doesn't work. I think the address is wrong.

    However, this address seems to link to her LJ.

    Double check?

  4. Thanks, all...I fixed the link. Blogger stuck a "" into the html..why does it do that?! Narcissistic blog site. =P

  5. Oh my gosh, congratulations Elissa!! And thank you again Authoress, for all that you do :) You definitely deserve a spot in the acknowledgments!

  6. Woohoo! Congrats, Elissa. *doing the happy dance for you*

  7. Extremely cool! Congrats to all of you!

  8. Very nice.

    And a good job to Authoress, helping make dreams come true!

  9. Congrats Elissa - and Authoress - and Jeff :)

  10. Oops - typo - Josh, not Jeff

  11. Congratulations! That is excellant news.

  12. Congratulations, Elissa!

  13. Funny, I took third place in that contest and never heard back from Mr. Getzler, in spite of his promise to get back to me "soon" when I sent a status inquiry in June. I thought placing in the contest guaranteed some kind of response, but I guess not.

    Congrats, though.

  14. Congrats to Elissa, and thanks once again, Authoress, for hosting contests like these. :)

  15. Wow! Fantastic news for both Elissa and this blog.

  16. This is so awesome Elissa! You didn't mention this in the posting on Verla Kay!

    Congrats again!

  17. What super incredible news for all concerned and so exciting! I hope it is the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship!

  18. Congrats Elissa!

    *I went back to that contest to see which snippet you initially snagged him with. Yep. That was one of those I really liked.

    Nice job!!!

  19. Congratulations to all three of you!


  20. Fantastic news, and good work Authoress. It was only a matter of time.

  21. Authoress isn't the only one BEYOND THRILLED!

    Thank you everyone for your kind words, and most especially thanks to Authoress for her Secret Agent contest.

    Keep up the good work, critters, because Authoress is right, YOU COULD BE NEXT.

  22. Congratulations! And thanks for sharing the news. Gives us all hope. I wasn't around in March but I'm going to check the archives so I can read the winning entry.

  23. Congrats to Elissa. That's fantastic and so great of you, Authoress, to aid so many on this journey.

  24. Wow -- that's great! Congrats! Hope to see it soon in bookstores!

  25. Wow, that's amazing! Congrats Elissa and good luck!

  26. It was bound to happen one day and I'm glad it has.

  27. Oooh, I remember this entry. Great job, Elissa, and best of luck with your new agent!

  28. Yay! How wonderful! You should feel so proud, Authoress :)

  29. Great news. Congrats to Elissa, and to Authoress!

  30. This is great news! Congratulations!

  31. That's fantastic! Congratulations to both Elissa and Authoress. It was only a matter of time.

  32. Way to go, Elissa! Congratulations!

  33. Wonderful! Congrats to Elissa and another thank you to Authoress for hosting these great contests, giving such a great learning opportunity that can turn into so many great things. :)

  34. Wow! Great news!

    Congratulations Elissa!

  35. I had a feeling it was that one before I knew what Elissa wrote. That submission has been the best piece of writing on this blog. Congrats, Elissa. You deserve it!

  36. Wow! Congratulations, and thanks to Authoress for running the Secret Agent contests.

  37. Awwww...congratulations Elissa!
    May this be the first of many matches. This is a good thing you do Authoress.

  38. Congratulations, Elissa. What wonderful news!

  39. Totally awesome! I hope you sell your book soon so we can all cheer that.

  40. That's fabulous. Congratulations Elissa.

  41. Congratulations!

    Authoress, I always thought your contests were an incredible find just for opportunity to read the agents' feedback. Now, to have a contestant land an agent - that's just awesome!

    Kudos to all!

  42. Wow! Dreams do come true. That is such great news. Congrats to Elissa and Josh.

    Another incentive to FINISH my ##**!! novel so I can enter these contests.
