
Monday, October 19, 2009

And The Winners Are:

Ms. Gardner's Runner-Ups:

8 - The Miser Who Bought the Farm by CharlieBabbitt
24 - Exquisite by Jessica
36 - Counting Down the Pinfall by Mags
38 - The Color of Honey by writer2181

Ms. Gardner's Grand Prize Winner:

27 - Like a Moonshine Bridge by mrodenberg

The prize:

Ms. Gardner requests that each of you send a partial for her consideration. Please email me at facelesswords(at) for submission instructions.


(And sorry for lack of linkableness in this post; I'm pressed for time today.)

Woot and huzzah for EVERYONE who entered.


  1. Congratulations to all the winners! I really enjoyed reading all of the submissions... Good luck to all!

  2. I missed this contest completely due to real life and other stuff (like zombie state due to change of weather). I do plan on reading over all the subs and examining Rachelle's feedback as soon as I get a chance.

    Congrats to all of the winners and fingers crossed - Rachelle Gardner's one of my favorites, although she doesn't do my genre. She'd be great to work with. :)

  3. Thank you to Authoress and Rachelle Gardner for this amazing opportunity. I appreciate everyone's feedback, even the stuff I didn't necessarily want to hear. It makes me a better writer and I'm grateful. Congratulations to the other winners -- bravo!

  4. Congrats to the winners!
    And bravo to you, Rachelle, for being such a great Secret Agent!

  5. Woo-hoo! Congrats to everybody!

  6. Yeah! Congrats to the winners. Good luck with your submissions. Rachelle Gardner is a stand up agent.

  7. What a cool contest. I've enjoyed looking over a few of the entries. I'll have to enter next month. Congrats to the winners.

  8. Wow, a lot of these (EXQUISITE, THE COLOR OF HONEY, and of course, LIKE A MOONSHINE BRIDGE) were some of my favorites, too. Congrats to the winners. I, too, have heard nothing but good things about Rachelle Gardner.

  9. Thanks so much, Authoress and Ms. Gardner, for this opportunity, and thank you to everyone for their encouragement and insightful comments. I am humbled by the award and wish all the writers future success.
