
Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday Fricassee

It's funny. I wrote an opening sentence for this post and quickly realized I had to tone it down. More and more, I'm discovering that many of you are quietly routing for me, and if I express notched-up excitement you might assume I'm ready to announce that I've signed with an agent.

I love that! But I don't want to ramp your excitement up the wrong alleyway. So let me preface this by saying--no. This isn't that kind of squeal.

But it's an awfully big squeal nevertheless!

Because in a few hours, I'm heading out with Mr. A for an all-weekend Personal Writing Retreat With Fun Husband Time Thrown In.


For almost a year, I've been mooning over a particular hotel nearby. Something about it screams "writer retreat!" It's your basic, find-them-anywhere chain hotel, but it's brand new and has a character that you don't normally find in this sort of place. (You know what I mean. They all look the same, right?)

Anyway, for whatever reason (most likely our impending tax return), Mr. A decided he wanted to offer me a weekend to dig into my writing. And of course he's coming with me. First of all, we do a lot of editing work together on my stories. Second of all--well, he's my husband. We might find a minute or two for romance.

Life's been an unusual sort of busy lately. Not in a bad way, but enough to make me feel sort of...fractured. Like the windshield of my VW Bug when I drove it into a tree. So he's sweeping me away to a lovely hotel with free WIFI for two days and two nights of literary bliss.

I'm mildly excited.

So that's my weekend! And Monday will bring yet another Secret Agent contest, so I'll be jumping right back in.

Weee! May your weekend bring its own special blessings.


  1. have fun, and I hope you write thousands of awesome words this weekend! I wish I could sign up for one of your secret agent contest but unfortunately one of my college classes are on Mondays until 2.

  2. Yay! I'll take two please (weekends, I mean, or take returns I suppose). Sounds shiny.

    @Elizabeth I'll bet Authoress would give you permission to have a friend submit on your behalf, since you have extraordinary circumstances.

  3. I will be having my usual writer's retreat in my office at 4:00am, rain or shine. But good for you! Have fun. I hope you have a dream that becomes a bestselling novel in three month's time!

  4. Have a great time with writing and romance!

    I've never tried a writer's retreat - only conferences. Please post when you're back to tell us how it went.

    Next week, if I'm subbing, I hope I can squeeze time to hit the send button for the next contest. Thanks for the opportunity.

  5. Have fun. But honestly, I had no idea what you meant about the hotle with a new character? I'm lost.

  6. I'm sorry that I'm too sick to be routing right now, but I'm sure =rooting= for you ;-)

    Have fun!

  7. My weekend retreat involves being snowed in at my house with stir crazy horses and a very put out donkey who's too small to wade through the snow on his own... but as long as the power stays on, I'm all about it because snowed in = free to write! Well, after I throw hay to the forlorn equines...

  8. Fantastic! Enjoy your literary bliss!

    You deserve it.

  9. Looking forward to it, my sweetheart. May it result in romance and a best selling book!

  10. Have a wonderful weekend! It sounds like Mr. A is awesome. My husband just informed me I wasn't allowed to take my laptop on our cruise. :( I guess I'll have to sneak in a couple spiral notebooks.

  11. Your own personal slice of heaven. May you have many more just like it!

  12. Lucky you! A year ago my husband 'announced' he wasn't happy and moved out on the same day without warning. Turns out he'd been busy on the internet. This actually is a syndrome with a name. The woman is typically a slice of everything he ever disliked in a woman and usually younger. He bore all the classic symptoms. Basically she's trailer trash and he's on a mid-life power trip.
    Mine is a year of extreme pain, anger, bewilderment, recovery, some gains, many losses - and a fight to recover my very vacant ego and self esteem.
    You see, he was my best friend. There had been no warning signs. Only subliminal ones. He was my best friend. And my world.
    I suffered a bad case of literary interruptus and am only starting to recover.
    I am working art to accompany a wonderful Regency piece - an adult picture book. I enjoyed writing the story and I'm enjoying the discovery of my mind in my artwork and I think this will come through in the final product. I think that is a very important part of the writing process because it means I'm in tune. The story was written before the pain started. The art is part of my recovery. I guess, because I'm a glass half full kind of person, I can put the whole thing behind me eventually and use the experience as part of some rich texture for my literary adventures.
    Have fun. Eat too much. Get a little tipsy with an extra glass of wine. Clink glasses near a warm fire. Lots of romance and attitude.

  13. Have fun, Authoress! Sounds like you've got a great hubby!
