
Monday, February 15, 2010

Secret Agent Unveiled: NATHAN BRANSFORD

Warm thanks to the ever-popular Nathan Bransford of Curtis Brown.

Nathan's Bio:

Nathan Bransford is a literary agent with the San Francisco office of Curtis Brown and the author of JACOB WONDERBAR AND THE COSMIC SPACE KAPOW, which will be published by Dial in 2011. He represents a wide range of genres and is particularly interested in literary fiction, narrative nonfiction, young adult fiction, historical fiction, mystery, science fiction, business, sports, politics and popular culture.

As always, a personal thank you to EVERYONE who participated in this month's contest. Winner announcement coming up!


  1. So fun!! It was a blast participating!! Thanks.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nathan had nothing good to say about my post, but knowing who the agent is makes me feel a lot better. He and I have decidedly different tastes in books.

  4. Thank you, Nathan and Authoress! As always, I learned a ton.

    I only wish Nathan represented MG so I could have played along.

  5. Thanks to both Authoress and Nathan for this opportunity! I had fun, and the comments were very helpful!

  6. Wow!! I *wondered* if it was him. Congratulations, Authoress, on scoring the famous NB as this month's SA! I didn't submit anything this time, but I really enjoyed reading everyone's entry. Good luck to all.

  7. Thank you to both Nathan and Authoress for taking the time! The Secret Agent contests are always helpful AND fun!

  8. I guessed it! Hooray for me! (There's a prize for that, right? :)) The telltale? His use of the word "whacky."

    Thanks for letting us play.

  9. Wait... I mean "wacky." Though, admittedly, I did feel a little whacked after this experience as well.

  10. Ooooooh. Now I'm excited just because I got input from an agent I respect! And I'm putting all the comments I got on my piece to good use already.

    Thanks Nathan and Authoress! Awesome experience!

  11. I thought this might be Nathan because of the genres and was very happy to see his comments on the subs since he is at the top of my list of agents when I'm ready to start submitting. Thanks so much Nathan for participating as this month's Secret Agent!

  12. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity, Authoress. I learned a lot from the comments and my beginning is much better as a result. Knowing that the secret agent is Nathan Bransford is fantastic. Even if I don't win, I hope to send a more polished version of my manuscript in the future.

  13. Holy Cats, how in the world does he find the time to be the Secret Agent? He is one busy feller.

    Thanks to Authoress and Mr. Bransford. Excellent forum!!

  14. Wow! That's awesome! I'm so excited that I got some great, and very helpful feedback from him!

  15. Oh Bum! So sorry I didn't enter. On the other hand, I entered HIS recent contest and didn't even make HM, so I'm guessing it would have wasted both our time. Nathan's my hero--Best of luck to one and all! And what Huntress above said. Sheesh!

  16. Wow! I wondered if it was him based on the genres. I have no idea how he had time for this. Thanks to Nathan and Authoress!

  17. Thanks, everyone! It was a lot of fun reading the entries - this is a talented group here.

  18. I'm sad I missed out too! Thanks Nathan and Authoress for another great round.

  19. Gosh darn it! Okay, so I'm slightly bitter I missed the entry deadline on this one. Stinking work ...

    Congrats to everyone that participated, and thanks for the great feedback, Nathan. It was fun reading everyone's entries.

  20. Thanks for the feedback, Nathan. It was very helpful indeed.

  21. What a great contest - thanks Authoress for hosting this and Nathan for being the SA. Thanks everyone who commented on my entry - I can only go upwards and onwards from here :)
