
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sharing Happy News

I'm bursting with joy for my fantastic writing buddy and amazing crit partner, JODI MEADOWS, who has just signed with the fabulous LAUREN MACLEOD.

It's a perfect pairing; it really is! I couldn't be happier. Seriously.

You know how, many times, when one of your writing colleagues finally signs with an agent, you're truly pleased for her and wish her the best, but somewhere deep inside a tiny voice whines, "It's always someone else instead of me"? (Yeah, that. Admit it.) Well, I don't feel that way (this time). Jodi is an amazing, talented, tenacious writer who works hard and knows her craft--and the business--well. She is a dream client and now she's landed a dream agent.

And she's been invaluable in my own journey as a writer. God often brings a person into our lives exactly when He knows we need it. Jodi is one of Those People in my life. She's a butt-kicking critter, a conscience-poking sidekick, a wealth of dry wit, and a source of affirmation and encouragement without which I don't know where I'd be.

So. It's an honor to share this news with you. I know that those of you who know her, have heard of her, or have benefited from her insightful comments during our Query Contest last year will rejoice with her.

Join me in congratulating both of them!

Read Jodi's announcement HERE.

Confetti and champagne all around!


  1. That glow you see toward Virginia is actually my blushing.

    <3 <3 <3

  2. Congrat, Jodi! I figured we'd be hearing some big news about your writing soon, especially after Georgina McBride was blown away by your writing last week in the Fire Source contest.

  3. I have one too. One day she's going to be famous. And I won't be jealous. I will be eternally happy that I had the privilege to know her.

    And if she reads this then she's going to know who she is because part of her name is bee.

  4. Congratulations Jodi! You're living proof that nice guys win.

  5. Congrats Jodi!!! Amazing news! We wish you a super speedy sale!

  6. AWW congrats! And what a great friend you are authoress!

  7. Congratulations to you and your lucky new agent!

  8. That was a very sweet tribute. Congratulations all!

  9. Congrats to Jodi! You deserve it!

    (Off-topic, you read one of my YA manuscripts for Jenny R. and gave me some feedback that has helped me improve my current work, so thank you! I really appreciate it.)

  10. Wonderful news. If it can't be me, it should at least be someone who is being lavished with praise me a fellow writer. Congratulations!

  11. Congratulations and extended wishes for a long and prosperous relationship between you and your awesome new agent.

  12. I saw this on twitter! Yay to Jodi! And dude, Authoress, your day is not far off, I'm sure of it. :)

  13. Jodi was one of the first slush-readers to ask for a partial of my novel, and she gave me a lovely personal rejection letter, and I am SO happy for her! FERRETS RULE!

  14. Congratulations to Jodi! It's a great feeling when someone you believe in has success.

    I belong to a great writer's group. We became a group about 18 months ago. Since then one of us won a MG contest and is having her book published, another signed with an agent and recently sold her MG, one is doing the cover and illustrations for the mg contest winner's book, two others have sold numerous stories to magazines and I know that success is just around the corner for the rest of the group. It's easy to be (honestly) happy for your friend's success when you know they are talented. Authoress, your time will come soon. You are amazing!

  15. Congrats. to Jodi! My friend/critique partner just signed w/an agent and everyone in our writer's group was filled with joy. It's wonderful to see good things happening for good friends who've worked so hard.

    Also, it's fun to see some of these pages that go up for critique on your site move on to become published books! Thanks Authoress!

  16. So exciting! Congrats, Jodi and Lauren!

    Authoress, you're a great friend. I'd be just as (un-jealously) excited for any of my CPs too.

  17. Yeah!! Doing the happy dance for you! That's just fantastic.

    Write on!

  18. Awesome, Jodi - especially since I seem to remember reading somewhere that you were thinking about giving up the quest to publication. Glad you didn't:)

    And Authoress, kudos to you for being so supportive. That is the mark of true friendship, when her success feels like yours.

  19. Fantabulous news!! Congratulations :)

  20. I love stories that end happy!!!! :) Congrats to both of you! (Critique partner gets some credit too, right?) I just had a crit partner friend get published too. As much fun as it'll be when it's my turn, it's really great getting a bird's eye view of the process. And shouting "wheee!" and groaning along side them.

  21. I'm so excited for her! And I love watching you two banter on twitter. ;)

  22. Fantastic news! Congrats to Jodi! And I'm in Maryland -- totally wondered what that blinding light was the other day. Now it makes perfect sense.
