
Monday, February 8, 2010

Submissions Are Now Closed

Ack! That's what I get for not being RIGHT HERE. o_O


  1. Wow. Makes me wonder how many you got with that "Ack". Thank you again for putting this together. It's such a wonderful opportunity for aspiring writers.

    Fingers crossed that I made it in the limit ;)

  2. Wow that was fast this time. I was in last months, so I couldn't enter this time. But I was oh-so-curious to see how fast it filled up this time. Doesn't surprise me considering last month's agent is closed to queries. No one wants to miss out on that opportunity. :)

  3. Oh well.

    I'm willing to bet I've submitted to this agent (whoever it is) already anyway.

  4. Would you consider, for future contests, having the contest start at a different time? 9AM PST is 6 AM EST where I am...

  5. I've experimented with different start times. In the end, I really need to open submissions at a time that works for ME. Cos, yanno, I have to be here to run the thing.

    So. Set your alarm, or be really, really nice to someone in eastern time zone. =)

  6. Wow! That was fast. Good Luck to those who made it!

  7. I sent mine 6 minutes after it opened and I didn't make the cut! Guess I'll have to wait until next time...

  8. I sent mine exactly at 12pm and I didn't get a confirmation. Does that mean I didn't make it?

  9. NEVERMIND!! I checked my spam and had a post #!!!!!! YEAH!!! So excited.

  10. Pesky timezones, I'll be ready next time! :)

  11. Aarrgghhh...My email was sent at 12:05...didn't make it. Oh well, there's always next time and my finger will hover over the send button at the time on the dot next time!!
    Good luck to all who made it! :)

  12. Wow. Just wow. :) I'm so tickled that I got in! I was hulking right there staring at the clock with my finger on send. I thought I was being silly... but obviously not!

    Good luck everyone! Can't wait!

    Oh, and for everyone commenting about time zones, I had to look it up just to be sure I didn't have it wrong. And then I still worried.

  13. I hit "send" when my computer clock read 12pm, but the e-mail said it was sent at 11:59am. That made me go, "Aack!" because I didn't know if it would count. I scrambled to set it back up and sent it again. I made it. "Whew!"

  14. Aw man. I have a feeling I'm not gonna be able to enter any of these. :/ I went to bed at about ten in the morning in America (it was midnight here), and literally just woke up and turned on the computer and they're already closed out. I even had my email saved and ready to go so all I'd have to do is hit send. Oh well. It's a nifty idea. :) My own darn fault for living out of the country.

  15. Okay second note to say they closed out in five minutes!? That's amazing!

  16. Getting up at 3.45am here in Australia to send a submission in time - I emailed mine at 12.02pm and made the cut at #44.

    Holy Speed Demons, Batman!

  17. Can't wait to read the submissions! Good luck, everyone.

  18. Hi All,

    This agent doesn't work with my genre, so I wasn't able to submit. I have in the past and I dealt with the time zone issue by using the DELAY DELIVERY feature of Outlook. You can set up the time that an e-mail is sent. So, while I was napping away, my entry was sent and I made the cut.

    Just a FYI.

  19. Hi --This is the first I've heard of the contest. Sounds fantastic. Can anyone tell me if there's a schedule of submission dates or if it's a matter of checking the webpage every few days? Thanks!

  20. Way to go, Kylie! I had work and couldn't stay up that late haha! Maybe the next one will be on a weekend. I've been trying to figure out how to get my email to send at a certain time, but am not sure it can do that. :P

  21. Eeek! I keep missing these. Guess I'll have to try the next one. :-) Thanks for doing this! Fun stuff.

  22. Aaahh!! You guys this is my first contest!

    Good luck to everyone! I read through the entries today and there are a ton of great ones!
